Once Upon a Time...: a story within the story by @porifra (pori fra)
donno... I wanted to make something with a big title. I like this, I usually hit the jackpot like these once in a while.. a shot at realistic things, though I'm not sure exactly how it came out looking. I struggled so much doing the wings of the fairy thing, and I hope I never have to do that again...-_- I did this whole thing in pencil and then darkened it on adobe. looks like it's done in pen, and I pretty much like it except for the fact that it kinda darkened too much and you can't really see the little girl's shoes, which I also worked hard on (the patterns)
basically, it's a mother-and-daughter time, before bedtime, maybe just after dinner.
This is really cute! I hope u plan on adding color...8 out of 10...shirley