the bmw by bertone auto show of 2003 by @michaelbunnyexclusivedazzo2004 (michael dazzo)
this is a very exclusive pic from the ganieva motor show this is lola bunny in a sexy hollywood auto show exclusive even warner bros will get the massage sooner or later!
p.s this out going see throu dress you can tell how lola bunny is a part of our lives!
ok- I'm becoming a big fan of yours- you're a true genius- it may just be that the rest of us are slow to understand!
Not only are your images both unique in their focus, plentiful in their number, common in their imagery, complex in their detailedness, fantastic in their optimism, but they also showcase your dedication to refining a perfectly exploitable niche in the entertainment industry! The possibilities are near endless! Lola films and DVDs...Lola lunchboxes and lingerie...Lola references in gangster rap songs...Lola Lola Lola! Keep up the excellent work, Mr.Dazzo! You are a true visionary!