Hmm! That an interesting picture, the kid should be scare to death, but is not. Kinda funny actually, nice art style too. ^_^
Workan by @Shadowwolf (Shaddie)
This is what I do all day, every day.
I hate children. And I know a lot of people say that in this day and age, but really, I cannot express to you how much I do not agree with the very idea of children. I've vowed not to have them, as I don't believe in continuing the species. The last thing the world needs is more humans, and I'm here to proudly say that I will not be responsible for any destruction caused by my heirs because I will not be HAVING an heirs. I can die a happy woman knowing that I helped the earth somehow, even if only to prolong the inevitable...
Anyway. Uhh, comic :D HEH. JOYOUSNESS. LOL??
Your use of expressive detail especially about the main expressions themselves is as humorous as it is with a professional flare. I must not lie however if I will not admit I was slightly scared towards the end. Well played. Keep up the good work.