^__^ It's beautiful! :D!!! An' I FINALLY got to see a picture with Jesus colored non-Caucasian! 8D WHEEEEEEE!!! whappy arms u.u An' you BET Jesus liked cuddles! :D He'd yell at the apostles when they wouldn't let little kids climb on him.
Behold the Heart That So Loved the World by @lynne (Lynne)
This too was AF inspired XD Actually, she told me to draw something from the vamp RP... and ironically the first thing that popped into my head was nun-me from that RP. o.o
So, anyway, as anybody who treks through my LJ will know, I was discussing Jesus in there... cuz Jesus is cool, dude. But anyway! Now I have drawn Jesus! With me as my nun-self! Because I love Jesus ;.; And Jesus loves EVERYBODY!! 8D whappy arms Besides, in some nun orders, the nuns look at their vows and stuff as marriage vows to Jesus. So thusly was this inspired.
But the best analogy, y'know, that kind of intense love between a husband and a wife, or the intense love any person can have for another (this includes nothing sexual, for explanation purposes), this is how Jesus feels about the whole world ^_^ It's how all of us who understand unconditional love for the world feel about the whole world when we're attuned right!
u.u I bet Jesus likes cuddles.
Oh, and I drew him with the 'sacred heart'. AND! This is the most important part. On implied request from my dear pal Kat, this time I colored Jesus with black hair and olive skin and brown eyes!!! u.u
It's JESUS! SUrpringly enough, that looks suits him. o.o It makes more sense now, with the darker skin and eyes and stuff. And you're a NUN! XD! That's cute. :D