Enchanted Pocahontas by @BlackUniGryphon (Black UniGryphon)
This is of the Disney Pocahontas.
In the feature film, Pocahontas uses a spell to "know" English by touching Captain John mith's hand. (Kinda reminds me psychometry)
I loved the way they used hyroglific symbols in that scene, so I made a fan art of the same thing. I actually used some of the same symbols that were used in the film.
I also used the actual production colors. Even tho' the majority of the colors used in the film are flat colors, I couldn't resist adding some highlights. Marvel Comics made a comic book of the film, and in it, they added allot of glossy shine to her hair. I just loved her hair, and I like to make it shiney.
I wanted to keep it simple. As simple as possible. You know how when you get your photograph taken, there's usually a blue-ish background? Well, I wanted this one to be sort of like a Photoshoot.
A few years ago, I had submitted illustrations of Pocahontas (Disney's) to the fan art gallery of Elfwood, and it was denighed because they claimed it was neither Fantasy nor Sci-Fi!
This is so pretty! I love the symbols and her expression. You've just taught me something that I hadn't known! =) So it was a spell to know English..? That is very cool! <3 Thank you for sharing. I love these art pieces so much.