Tetsu and others... by @Sedo (Nara Van Rossum)
some charater sketches from another Glut of Imagination of mine... Clockwize from top: Subfortress Capitan Gerome Oslfing, "Master Visionary" Dr. Mirad, Crime boss Mr. Kei,(Tetsu is not very imaginative... his goldfish was named Fish...-_-)Kitten the Cat (looking more like a cabit than a cat..), Mr. Mirashi, Chisan-Li Tyoran Mirachi, Tetsu Mirachi... acting like a three year old..., and Mr. Kei again (looking less like a crime boss and more like the father Li-Gin knows).
Surprisingly, Tetsu and Kitten are the ones I draw the most often and they turned out real bad comparied to the others.... as far as I know they are all (c) my overactive imagination...
I like these figures, they have simplicity and style.