Wonderful! this is superb...........Shirley
Comments & Critiques (4)
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Beautiful textures. Proportions are good, but the breasts are a bit high, though it gives her the appearance of a child. I get a very doll-like impression of her, especially from her legs, sticking straight out in front of her, and very stiff looking. She looks as if she's been cast aside, into the corner, as if by a child that no longer wishes to play with her.
The ruffles are done very well, and look as if I could reach out and touch them.
The feet leave something to be desired, as they're very simple and much unlike the rest of the drawing, though it also serves to give a more doll-like appearance.
Seems to be a bit unbalanced with the top left corner so bare.
Overall, it's very lovely.
great cross hatching and details....I like the background and how her cloth is done. Very nice.