El Thorvaldo Moderator

IdIOT: Soviet Greece according to Facebook
IdIOT: Soviet Greece according to Facebook by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

Inspired by e350tb's very own The Rise and Fall of Hitler According to Facebook, a character-driven history of literally the most genocidal faction in the entire multiverse from NinjaCow64's IdIOT: Shock and Terror. A sequel of sorts to The Philippine War, this took me several nights to complete and grew well beyond the original intended scope to the point I debated breaking it up into chapters... but it's probably one of the greatest things I have ever produced. I'm half-tempted to quit DYOS and devote myself to these full-time. :B

Most of the sections relating to Elsweyr are originally by KaiserElectric; the Manchinian Upgrade Programme was copied verbatim from a YouTube Comments parody by Polyblank.

Soviet Greece (Antonis Samaras), played by christos200
Pony Jerusalem (Starshine Thunder), played by Marauder-M
Macedonia/Balkan Alliance (Alexander the Great) (NPC)
Empire of the Rising Sun (Empress Shi/Yuriko Matsui), played by Reus
The Mystery Nation (Stanfordley Pines), played by e350tb
Abbotsford, Inc. (Tony Abbott), played by yours truly
Elsweyr Sultanate (Ezri Zahmahni), played by KaiserElectric
UKIP-Pirate Confederacy (Nigel Farage), played by 92nd-Cived
United States of Vietnam (Walter Kurtz), played by Omega124
Nationalist Nova Terra (Connie Marshall), played by @GenMarshall
United Manchinia (John Madden/Cybermen Collective), played by Polyblank
Church of Goomy (Zeru Fitzpèire), played by Kinich-Ahau

Created with The Wall Machine.

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 © Electronic Arts;
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine © Paramount Television;
Connie Marshall © @GenMarshall;
Gravity Falls © Alex Hirsch;
MLP:FiM © Lauren Faust et al;
Fred Savage: Soldier of Misfortune © jodimest;
All other commercial content © its respective holders.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt April 2016.]

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