Yeah, I know... Hair... I'm always struggling to do the best I can with it. ^^;;;
Miguel Castaneda
Ooooooh!!! Look! Better hair! I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, but only after a zillion tries too messy and ugly to post.
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What can I say? Compare this one to your previous ones and there is a WORLD of difference. You have really come a LONG way on your human form, and it shows quite well. In fact, your hair in this picture is most excellent! If anything I would say work a little more on the end of the hair and such, since it seems to be bunched together with lines added more than anything else. Aside from that, though, the work on the Angela's hair near the top of her head to her back or so is just wonderful!
As far as the form goes, there's nothing I can really say. You did an outstanding job!
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