Doc and Switch 2_18 by @digoraccoon (Diosden Rodriguez)
Well now you've done it, Manco. You got an earth pony about to break out into song. Switchblade seems to know how these go, so listen to her. Mostly so you don't get a hoof to the face.
Diosden Rodriguez
Well now you've done it, Manco. You got an earth pony about to break out into song. Switchblade seems to know how these go, so listen to her. Mostly so you don't get a hoof to the face.
Incidentally, after I moved to Vegas (and sadly had my run in with being homeless), once I ended up with a new place to live while I was still there, I ended up joining in a Fallout: Equestria game that the friend that moved me to Vegas in the first place (Razi) was running. Apparently the system had an Edge that allowed an Earth Pony specifically to break out in song, and during that song, any other Earth Ponies in the immediate area were either compelled to join in with the song or/and gain a more positive opinion of the Earth Pony in question. Well, part of the party (effectively the party's Leader because someone needed to be the leader) broke into song after we ended up in the outskirts of New Appleoosa, but another party member wrote up his character in such a way that the second somepony broke out in song around him and he failed a Spirit check, he would immediately start opening fire on whichever pony it was... friend or foe. So he started shooting at the party's leader, who had to stop the song in order to evade, and that not only caused the New Appleoosans to also stop singing and dancing but also assume they were beoing shot at and because they all had guns and numbers they just started shooting at the party. My Hellhound (Fallout: Equestria equivalent to a Diamond Dog) leapt out of the Skiff the party had (for about two sessions or so longer) in order to defend the party leader (despite Hellhounds starting with the Hindrance Enemy: Ponies) and despite already being wounded face-tank a couple of rounds for the party leader and then pretty much the leader did I think 6 Wounds to the one that opened fire on her and everyone else just started hating on/ignoring this party member because literally no one liked the character any longer.
It was kinda stupid. And I miss that campaign.