The Not-Quite-The-Ultimate-But-Dangerously-Close Monster thing by @Amborg (Amber Humes)
I wuz listening to the song that comes on when you fight atma on Final Fantasy 3/6. Thats my inspiration. It took me all of 3 whole hours to draw this. I decided that its atma but not the same on from final fantasy. One from my head. I even made atma stand for something...can't remember it though. There's a story behind it. Maybe I'll put it up at me an' kylie's site. Dunno, I'll change this desc. when I get it all figgered out.
spiffy! spiffy! spiffy!spiffy! spiffy! spiffy!spiffy! spiffy! spiffy!spiffy! spiffy! spiffy!spiffy! spiffy! spiffy! -i got bored:)