Heh! This is a lot of fun. I like the background you put in, and the characters are wonderfully designed, I'm really interested in knowing more about them.
hello camera by @seasaidh (Jessica Caroline)
Ahh, well this has taken me a few weeks. I just started a new job, I'm a medical secretary assistant. Quite fun.
I felt like drawing two of my anthro characters- Brittanu Lai and Jett Taylor. They are both international theives, at least when I originally designed them that is what they were. Still are in my opinion- just no one ever knows it. So I drew a picture dipecting them stealing something. Jett is hanging upside down and is smiling at the camera. Brittanu is sitting in a chair like sling- getting the jewel and smiling at the camera.
Brittanu is german/russian and Jett is just a crazy american boy- they are not a couple. X3 I watch too many spy movies. Welp! Time for me to get to work! flee
20y233d ago
Took you a few weeks, eh? How come? =( Was it the picture itself, or maybe because of certain complications going on in real life? Just curious.