RE-RATED as it totally slipped my mind that cigarettes require a T rating. Eck. Sorry guys! Fixed it.
Getting that warning email kinda flipped me out XD
A modernized version of Taym that I created both to RP and for a potential comic called "Speed Freak." Yes, he's old enough to be smoking that, thankyouverymuch.
There are two highly important character aspects here.
One is the fact that, despite being homeless and broke, Taym dyes his hair. He doesn't dye it often enough to keep the roots from showing, but dye it he does, out of sheer vanity. His vanity is THAT overpowering.
Two is Taym's obsession with words. He's homeless, but he's staked out a corner in an abandoned building populated by junkies and the like, and the entire wall there is covered in anagrams, acronyms, palindromes, lists of synonyms--all those sorts of things. His "neighbors" think he's nuts. He uses big words a lot.
Wee. :D Pretty much, visually, the old Taym, with a lot of his character aspects... and some new ones. :D
Mouse in MSPaint.
omg. I <3 Taym. I really really love the idea, and dipiction on the image, of the words on the wall. It's such an original character concept that it makes me squee. The dyed hair too, is very nicely drawn and thought up of, the reasons behind it amusing me just as much as the other. The new Taym certainly has me won over XP Poor little Taym-in-a-box. Atleast taxes won't effect him. I adore, as always, your lineart and shading. Awesome! I particularly like the ring of grey about his eyes. -Raz