Taryn Sanders

Dib and Gretchen
Dib and Gretchen by @tarysand (Taryn Sanders)

Dib and WHO? Yes, Dib and Gretchen, the bucktooth girl with the braces who sits at the reject table at lunch. Now you're all going to think I've gone crazy, but THIS is the person I would want to see with Dib on the show! Why you ask? Well, first of all I've always liked Gretchen. She was and is my favorite background student just because she's so funny. Then when I saw 'Tak the Hideous New Girl' it was obvious that Gretchen had a crush on Dib, and I just thought this was simply too adorable that she liked him ^^ I mean she gives him all her Valentine meat, now how absolutely sweet is that? ^-^ Then I thought about it some more, and I realized what a cute couple they'd make. I mean look... They're both kind of geeky nerds, both are social outcasts, both have basically no friends, both are human (and on IZ that's saying something), and they just both seem a little lonely and in need of a friend... They're perfect for one another! Now I know everyone's going to start saying that I'm insane and that Dib and Tak should go together (most likely just because of one little line of Dib's in that ep. that I am sure is going to be taken out of context and will spew forth the new DATR fanbase which will most likely rage uncontrolably in the next few months) but I don't care what anyone says or how odd it sounds, I'm now a proud supporter of the Dib/Gretchen idea. Don't get me wrong, I don't want people thinking I'm pairing these two up just to nose out Tak. I don't like her much, but I think she's okay, but I just don't think she and Dib would go together very well, and a romance between them is just too predictable. Plus it would never happen on the show. I doubt this one would either, but hey, no one ever seems to care how probable these IZ pairings actually are which is why we have the ZADR and ZAGR fanbases out there. It's never gonna happen, but that doesn't stop people from writing fics and drawing pictures of it.
So, you STILL think I'm crazy and want to know why I believe in this particular couple SO strongly even after reading this far? The biggest reason I can think of is that Gretch doesn't like Dib because he can give her information about Zim or the Earth (like Tak) or because he's popular or a stud or anything... she just likes him because he's Dib. She likes him in spite of the way people make fun of him and how everyone says he's crazy and nerdy and has a big head, and that to me is so innocent and sweet, it shows her affection is genuine. We should all be so lucky to have someone care about us like that unconditionally. So she's not a main character either. Big deal, if she were to become Dib's girlfriend then she'd become one. And for those who think Gretchen is too geeky looking for Dib to like her, just remember that Dib is basically considered a geek on the show too, and who the heck ever said that Dib's girlfriend had to be 100% perfect or drop-dead gorgeous? Huh? Huh? Huh? I really don't think Dib is that superficial as to pick a girl just because she's pretty, and Gretch seems nice and fairly decent if you ask me. Maybe a little dim, but she's probably smarter than she lets on. And I'm the jealous, overprotective type when it comes to Dib, so you can see just how much I believe in this couple. In fact I'm probably the first fan of it's genre ^^ the GADR genre I guess you'd call it. So call me insane for wishing these two would hook up. Call me nuts. Call me a bleeding moron, but I don't care what anyone thinks, I say these two should go together. Come on, don't they look nice together there in the pic? Come on, admit it, you know they're a cute couple ^^ Well I've had my say, so hopefully people will give this idea a chance, if not just for something different from DATR which will surely spread like wildfire here soon --;; Thanks for actually reading this far ^_^ Fanart from: Invader Zim Artwork © Copyright 2002 Taryn Sanders

Finished Work
22y163d ago
Other Work By @tarysand

Comments & Critiques (28)

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Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 01:36 AM

Okay, I'll be the first to admit, this pic had me a little scared at first... But, after having read that WAR AND PEACE of a description you wrote, I'm actually quite partial to this pairing now. I mean, how come the geeks get automatically excluded from society!? Take Gretchen. Okay, so she's no super model, but underneath that buck-toothed, dorky exterior, she's probably one of the nicest characters on the show. People these days are so materialistic... If you don't look the part, you don't get a chance at the high life. Yup, I've had my little "Jerry Springer Last Word", so I'll be going now. Congrats on another great pic, Taryn... this was a real eye-opener for me! -=Hazel=-

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 01:38 AM

^^ YES!!! YES, YES!!! Finally! The revolution has begun!!! XDD Lemme tell ya sumthin. Ever since I became obsessed with Zim, major character/minor character romance has been a BIG thing for me. I must admit, I prefer Dib/Alex (Alex is the dark girl who sits two seats back from Dib. She NEVER says a word, and strikes me as something of a rather cool Dib/Gaz hybrid), but all of that really is rather superficial, in that all I have to go by is the fact that she doesn't say anything, and THEREFORE doesn't insult Dib, and THEREFORE must like him! Plus, she's pretty. ^^;;

But, ah gotta say, Dib/Gretchen is such a great coupling, seriously. It's so immaterial and cute!! XD

A request for the mighty Taryn, p'raps? I was wondering if you might do a future Dib/Gretchen pic, while they're in highskool or summit, so that Gretchen's braces have done their duty, and her teeth are absolutely normal? I think she'd look really pretty, but aside from that, it'd also be some kinda Geek Gets Girl weird twist, or something like that, to show anyone can become anything or something horribly cliche like that...?

...or maybe not. ^^;;

Anyhoo, GREAT PIC!!!! I loves it so much!! (GAAH!! MUST SEE TAK!!!)

Later, JESS

(Hey, wow! I went a whole huge long comment, and not ONE part of it had anything to do with me getting the first comment!! Oh... wait...)

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 05:57 AM

Gee I feel bad, my comment isn't gonna be so long... -_- All I gotta say is I like the idea of those two, and from what I heard, Gretchen has a crush on Dib since she cried at some point, and she gave him meat Valentines.

Either way, I like how you had it so that the 'ugly' folks are always ignored. I know that feeling. Still, great picture that makes me even more envious of your drawing capabilities.

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 07:56 AM

Interesting... Never thought about Dib and Grechan (not sure how ta spell that!) going together, you'll probably get one of those people bugging you 'bout how utterly wrong it is and then everyone will snap at them to cool it and stop being such a jark (as you put it in a comic of yours that I absolutely love!) and then they'll continue to be a jerk and then in a strange twist of events somone will make a huge about how this might happen! Wait a minute...

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 09:14 AM

Tak's my idol...shes so awesome...her and that sorta briish accent...she rocks...

Posted: Thursday, 11 July, 2002 @ 04:02 AM

Um... oooookay, and that has exatcly WHAT to do with Dib and Gretchen?

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 09:15 AM

Aww, that's a cute pic and yes, I agree that they'd make a cute couple. I've never really thought about pairing IZ chars off, but I guess if I did, then that's probably a likely one I'd do too.

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 11:18 AM

Okay, I admit it, when I first saw this, this is the face I made: O.o. And yeah, I felt a little like "Noooooo way." But then I read your novel beneath the picture and all the comments and it got me thinking. I scrolled up and took a second look and thought: "heeyyyyy maybe...".

It's probably because I'm such a Dib-lover (GAH! I've finally admitting the truth) I'm just as overprotetive of him. But I can see this, and it wouldn't be so bad. Not too mention she's probably a better choice than a DATR romance. Not that I have anything against DATR, I just kind of agree with Taryn.

I'll probably need some more time to adjust to the idea, kind of like an anti-yaoi person adjusting to all the ZADR now-a-days. Not that I hate it, I'll just probably need more persuading to push me from "mayyyybe" to "oh yeah!". And I know just the little genius artist to help me. ^.~

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 11:44 AM

I completely understand with what you said Taryn. ;) And the picture is sooo sweet too! Please keep it up! Your artwork rocks!

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 03:19 PM

sidles up to Taryn

I like yooou. ^.^

No, seriously. ^^; I was feeling a little alone in the world after I watched Tak the Hideous New Girl, 'cos I thought there was no way anyone but me would think Dib/Gretchen to be a cute idea (even though I didn't know Gretchen's name at that point. :D) I went "awww!" all through the scene where Gretchen just kept on putting meat valentine after meat valentine on Dib's desk. ^^;;;

I never really considered any couplings in the IZ fandom to be "cute", or even remotely conceivable, (Dib/Zim scares me 0.o;; interspecies relationships BAD...), so this is a first for me. I expect more fanart from you in this genre, Taryn! (Please?)

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 04:39 PM

Ph, Lord, when I saw that I laughed, I thought it was absolutely adorable. XD;; While I'm not advocating Dib/Gretchen (nor am I Dib/TAK or anything else for I am against romance in ZIM [unless in spoof]), I think it's completely aweeeeesome that you're . . . revolting. X3;;

And I know exactly how you mean no one likes the ugly people. I like an ugly cartoon character and everyone makes fun of me about it. sniffles Poor Kuwabara.

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 05:09 PM

Amen to that! I found someone who agrees with me! Aww, Gretchen likes Dib^^...I like Tak, too, but the idea of Tak and Dib together's kinda too predictable. I mean, yeah, people are going to take advantage of that line Dib said and act as if he's madly in love with her. I can see a lot of DATR fics coming out...and I'm disgusted by the idea. But I'll respect it. This is such a cute picture!! :) :) :)

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 09:41 PM

I've alwayse been mmore of a DAPR but thats just me. waht is a DAPR you ask??? A Dib and Penny Romance. I mean comone she seems so quiet ans in all the eppys she seems friendly to people. In a Room With a Moose she never said anything bout Dib she just followed the crowd, as I recall Gretchen did too. I donno I mean I can talk like Gretchen and it's funny but Dib seems way too smart for her. maybe it's just me and my twisted mind but Tracey better be in Skool tomorrow so I can get my sketch book back from her (she be scanning stuff) and draw a Penny/Dib romance. People proably will think of a Tak/Dib now a days cuz not only did he say he liked Tak he also had a really big grin when her ship fell in his yard. Not to mention he didn't try to kill her when he found out she was an alien. But hay maybe thats waht Jhonen wanted you to think. I can point out a few reasons why people wanted Zim/Gaz but I'm being rushed off by my mummy. Quote: stop obsessing about Inspecter Zim It's INVADER mum! Well I talks laterz and hopefully my stuff be up soon. Byz ~G.I.R. (Tak)

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2002 @ 09:45 PM

You're right...I never even thought of that ^_^ Its such a cute picture...

Posted: Tuesday, 14 May, 2002 @ 06:08 AM

Good points there, and another masterpiece. Hey, I read the whole description... can I have a cookie? Oh, one thing I wanted to point out: I'd be careful calling things DAGR, because that's already out, but the G is for Gaz. Yuck. This Dib/Gretchen pairing on the other hand makes perfect sense to me, and THAT's saying a lot. I've always liked geeky science nerds: Dib, Dexter, Mandark, Otto (From TimeSquad -- NOT Socket Power)... anyway, I ramble much too much... I go now.

Posted: Tuesday, 14 May, 2002 @ 03:24 PM

That's a nice, well thought-out speech. I don't agree entirely, but that's some excellent points. If you don't mind I'd just like to vent a little bit here, since I don't really enjoy getting called a 'freak' over at the largest Zim board but I need to say something or I'll explode, I really will.

I think that Dib LIKED Tak, as in past tense. He didn't just say it, he was obviously smug with Zim and accused him of being jealous. BUT that doesn't get around the fact that Tak is at LEAST 50+ years old and Dib is about 11, they're of completely different species, and he said he liked her BEFORE he knew the truth. I said I liked the concept more than ZAGR or ZADR but to me, that's like saying your homecooked pasta tastes better than my last meal, when it turns out the last thing I ate was nuclear waste. (Sorry.) See it's an improvement, but not necessarily a GOOD thing. I guess what I am saying is that DATR is the only couple that doesn't make me heave, but it's premature to call me a 'shipper.'

As for Gretchen and Dib, it is MUCH more likely than any other couple mentioned and far more logical, but she doesn't appeal to me as she seems more than a little slow-witted. It doesn't bother me, certainly it doesn't make me ill, but it's never going to be anything I root for either. If it strikes your fancy though, I hope you push for it, it is an interesting and unique change.

Heh and the drawing is spiffy too. As always. ;)

Posted: Wednesday, 15 May, 2002 @ 07:08 PM

Hey, I love all of your art (specially, your comics), but this image brought a memory to me. I've written a fic, titled Valen-Evil-Tine and available in Fanfiction.Net. If you have a chance, read it. Dib and Gretchen are a forced couple there. Too bad I didn't know her name by the time I wrote it. I was shocked when I saw the ep 'Tak the Hideous New Girl', because I kinda felt I've predicted that couple. Must be one of thos strage thingies of... doom...

Good work! Keep it going!

There's more to do in the Net of Nets! (Megawacky Max)

Posted: Thursday, 16 May, 2002 @ 06:41 PM

Dib gives her two nasty looks while she's giving him all her meat. i don't think he likes her.

Posted: Friday, 17 May, 2002 @ 12:10 AM

Aww! When I saw that eppy I noticed Gretchen putting the meat valentines on Dib's desk, but it went RIGHT over my head. It finally dawned on me when I saw her crying at Dib and Tak together.. poor Gretchen!! I think they do make a very cute couple!

Posted: Saturday, 18 May, 2002 @ 12:55 AM

Yeesh, this pic started up a message board! Anyway, I actually think that this pairing might work. Geeks attract fellow geeks, and if Gretchen likes Dib, it probably WOULD be for Dib just being Dib. And as for looks...well, I'd bet she'll look a lot better after those braces get off. And until then, she has lice-proof teeth! ^_^

Posted: Saturday, 18 May, 2002 @ 07:00 AM

Awwwwwwwwww. Adorable! I think we should see Gretchen with her teeth fixed (after the braces) first before any luv between Dib and Gretchen comes up. I love the picture anyways. So roman-tic. Ooooooooh.

Posted: Wednesday, 19 June, 2002 @ 01:36 PM

As soon as I saw the 'Tak' episode, I bet my little brother a nickel the somebody was going to initiate a Dib/Gretchen romance genre. Thank you, for you have won me a nickel. They're actually kinda cute...^.^

Posted: Tuesday, 09 July, 2002 @ 01:32 AM

freaky. in my first iz fic, i had dib and gretchen hook up in the last chapter. i wrote it after seeing TAK..., so... i really like your pics; so in jhonen's style. well, um, that's all i can think of to say, so, yeah. DIB'S HEAD ROKS!

Posted: Friday, 13 December, 2002 @ 08:12 PM

Okay, I'm not a fan of IZ romance. It's just not compatible with the way the show works at all. But if Dib were ever to get a girlfriend Gretchen would be my pick.

(P.S. They never showed the TAK episode here.)

Posted: Friday, 20 December, 2002 @ 05:47 AM

ARRGH! I cannot think of a good enough adjective to describe the unknown depths to which I like this idea! Really. I can't. I lost my thesaurus. But I CAN tell you that you have quite possibly re-awakened my muse with this pic. Thank you so much for having the insight to pair them together. Just look at them! They were made for each other!

Yes, I can feel the wheels turning now. Excuse me won't you?

Posted: Wednesday, 04 June, 2003 @ 03:46 PM

Aw, they're so adorable! This is a minor thing, but isn't Gretchen's dress sleeveless? Eh, I could be wrong, it's been awhile since I've actually watched IZ. Anyways, Dib and Gretchen are definitely the most reasonable and likely couple in IZ fandom. I think it's adorable that she has a crush on him. ^^

While we're talking about major character/minor character pairings, here are some that have briefly crossed my mind (not that anyone gives a hoot):

Zim/Zita: Okay, I know you're thinking "Isn't this just as bad as ZAGR and DATR?" Yeah, maybe. The only reason I thought of this pairing was because of the Halloween Spectacular. Not only did she dress as an ALIEN, but she almost-sorta defended him. Eh, I'm wierd. ZAZR . . . heh.

Gaz/Poonchy: Only because Poonchy was in line for GS2. I can't see this couple actually working out, though. Poonchy might be a bit too energetic for Gaz. But I dunno.

Gaz/Zootch: I dunno, I just think Zootch looks cute. And they're in the same class.

I'm sorry to clutter up this review page thingy with my ramblings. I just had to get that off my chest. Thankyou.

Posted: Monday, 09 June, 2003 @ 04:19 AM

man you really love to rant don't you? well i have this to say, out of all the IZ pairings i've heard of (and after reading who's zim is it anyway i've heard of some REALLY weird ones) this one seems to be the most likely one. first of all this irken/human pairing annoys me. ITS GENETICLY IMPOSSIBLE!!! and as for this gretchen is to geeky thing well you peopel seem to be under the impression that people stay the same way there whole lives. for all we know when gretchen gets older she could be drop dead gorgeous. she and have those braces forever. well thats all i have to say for now. ohh and taryn, if you were to respond to my post then e-mail it to me please. i think it tells the artists the address. ahh well.

Posted: Saturday, 01 April, 2006 @ 05:51 AM

To me, Dib/Gretchen seems like a fairly obvious pairing (as in, it's clear Gretchen likes him and is the most probable that could actually happen), and it's one I like a lot and wish there was more of it. However, I like DATR in addition, but only one-sided unless the author has a REALLY good reason why Tak would like Dib, which is something that I would think extremely rare. I think also that in any fic, it's hard to believe that Dib would just right off the bat still like Tak--I mean, she freaking betrayed his trust!

Anyways, I'm rambling again. I really liked this picture--all of them, actually. I swear, it looks like you've done the artwork on the show. I'm glad that you're prolific in addition to skilled! And yes, I'm a huge Dib-fanatic. I love that not only are you skilled and prolific, but you also are skilled and prolific in drawing Dib! (How many times have I used the words "skilled" and "prolific" in this comment??//... -.0 I'm tired. I gotta get some sleep, before I start convlusing again. >.<

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