thank you very much. this is one of my favorite pictures, and your right. i should definitely color it. when i learn to, i'll finish this up.
2 akanes by @marla (marla deepali)
another pic inspired by ms. perry's hearts of ice. the style's a bit different, i know. it's a picture of a forlorned, hardened akane in the kami-plane and her younger, more care-free self behind her. a huge pigtail floats behind them, because ranma impacts both akanes'. the bit of hair between akane's lips is inspired by a picture that hiroaki samura did of hyakurin. samura's great. everybody check out blade of the immortal.
wow, lovely pencil work! you have a really admirable control of body position that makes the upraised arms and the cocked leg really a wonderful aspect of this piece. The hair in the mouth was unique and interesting to begin with, but with your additional explanation of the picture as a whole, its all become far more intriguing. The proportions are very well done and I love the hair :) If you're thinking of coloring this one, I'd encourage it. You could really added the final dimension that it needs. ~Windresss