Sweet Serenity by @Kamelot (Rebecca Davis)
This is the elf Terrelle, standing in the midst of a fallen wall that was once part of the famous Elven empire of Dora, now long abondoned after a demon of emence power swept through the land like the plaque destroying everything. Not even the elves of the this kingdom could withstand it's terrible might. Only those that were strong enough to survive rebuilt the Elven empire, even though their numbers greatly reduced, rebuilt Dora and called it ReDora, which is what you see behind her. As you can tell, the elves have not forgotten their destroyed empire and many come to these ruins for a sad rememberance and meditation, while the ghosts of the past whisper on the wind... Although this picture didn't quite all fit on my scanner, what I did get was okay too - enjoy!
Amazing detail. It's contrasty enough to catch the eye in a slew of other pictures, but you still applied gradients and such and... other things I don't really know about but look good. Her hands seem a bit small, but I'm not sure what you're looking for in your own depiction of elves, so it's your call. ^^