Prt 2 of art trade with Ali by @LizSama (Liz Ramirez)
The second piece of an art trade i'm doing with Allison Fleury. I like her Snively (and his redesign,) so fulla pain and various other types of ouchies. I think with this image i've imagined him getting beaten to a bloody pulp by his uncle again. Just another random blind rage of his that fell upon poor ol'Snively. He slouches in a corner with his blackened eye, bloody nose and various cuts and wonders why? Why can't he stop? for those circular'ish things on the floor you can decide.. they're either uh.. um.. bandaids or ...painkillers! either one works. see? I leave my pictures up to the imagination of the viewer. Yeah.
Mature (
Finished Work
21y317d ago
O.o! Poor Snively!! :D But he looks so good covered in blood, heh. You've only drawn him twice? Well I think you did an awesome job, he looks so great. Thankies! (I'll be sending your pics in a minute, hope ya like them. And let me know if you have a problem with getting them in your email!)