Hotaru by @Seifer_sama (Seifer-sama C.)
I think I put her in the right section. I know she's in the novels... and I know she's in the games... I'm just not sure. ^^; Let me know if I placed her in the wrong category. Anyway... This is my first time drawing Hotaru... in fact... I have no clue who she is really. (It was a requested picture) So if she looks lame... that's why. ^^ As for the blue swirly thing... it's supposed to be watery/magic stuff... laughs And no she's not surfing on it. I wanted her to be spinning with it... but it turned out looking like a girl in a pink dress catching a wave. :)
Finished Work
20y227d ago
this is so ADORABLE!!! squeal I know I say this every time I comment, but I just do love your pictures!
as usual, you've done a magnificent job on the clothes that she's wearing - the flows and the shades.
though you didn't do a background on her, I think it rather makes her stand out more, especially with the water (or wind?) thingie. and the her pet (I forgot what they were called) is sooo cute!!!! it's amazing how people think of cute animals, don't you agree?
also I think the water/wind thing she's stepping on could be blue flame... that'd be cool.