laughs Thanks! xD i'll try pming you some time.
And yes, purple pikachus could lead to nasty side effects. And no, your comments aren't pointless. XP
thanks again!
Aline Spyer
Wow, I haven't uploaded in a long time! Or commented, for that matter. hehe. Anyhoo, I did this for a contest on Gaia. It was a ton of fun, as I tried out a new coloring & eye style. It wasn't my orignal idea, but that's okay^^
I drew this and colored this on the computer -- without the sketch. 0_0 Scanner = not working in other words, no scanning for me. Eep.
any comments would be greatly appriciated. Sorry I don't really have much to say. XD
Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind
wow that is crazy and cool =P i am orangechocobo on weird muhaha!!!....this pic is like nothing but blue weird O_o must be a cool color =( im stuck with OrAnGe forever and squirells are dangerous this year....they throw TaCos at random ppl and hope they hit ballloons and ducks on a monday afternoon in albertsons....O_o scary im glad that they arent purple pikachus or flying giraffes or that would be crazy....just think of the turtles trying to eat there spaggetios and kool-aid....what would happen to all the clouds in the sea or maybe even the ocean....i feel bad for all the goldfish crackers there...they are trying to sleep and the buttered toast of doom is attaking them....well cool pic, great job and goodluck on all your next art thingys.....sorry im just ignore my pointless comments of doom!!!.....dun dun dunnn!!!