Ballerina by @Parcellus (Maryam Shari'ati)
Another ballerina. I designed the costume in my head first, so I drew a dancer for the costume. The hand on the right looks weird, it's too rigigd for a ballet dancer.
Maryam Shari'ati
Another ballerina. I designed the costume in my head first, so I drew a dancer for the costume. The hand on the right looks weird, it's too rigigd for a ballet dancer.
So beautiful! I love the coloring--the yellow highlights on the skin really bring out the vibrancy of the costume. That is a lovely costume design, and I love her yellow shoes! The pose is very nice, though I agree with you on her left hand--it looks more suited to a karate chop than ballet. Her right eye is also a little too close to the side of her face. More shadows could be used on her costume itself--the skin shading and hair is done very well! I am quite impressed by the transparancy of her scarf-thing. Do you dance, yourself? Or just like looking at it? :)