@BadKarma: It's been a couple months since I made any substantial progress but I am working on a small test scene to get down the style and the aesthetics of it, haha!
I'll try and let everyone know how far it's coming along
One of the characters for an animated short film I want to make known as The Outside. Following a band of cats venturing out of their homes on search to find their missing friends and learn what life truly is like outside the comforts of their own home.
Finn the main lead is tired of her friends and family deeming their missing colleague a lost cause and vows to find them whatever it takes!
Finn © 2024 Patchwork Kit
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@BadKarma: It's been a couple months since I made any substantial progress but I am working on a small test scene to get down the style and the aesthetics of it, haha!
I'll try and let everyone know how far it's coming along
This is really cute! Keep us updated on your project's progress!