Very lovely. The lighting really adds a foreboding mood to the picture, and the color scheme accents that well. The white background kind of takes away from the effect, though... it's very stark and contrasts a bit much. The light does come from behind the figure, granted, but it needs something else. What you have is very well drawn and expressive, though. Nice work.
At the Window (Purple) by @alethea (Alethea)
This started out as a random drawing done late last night to unwind before going to sleep. She's not anyone or anything in particular. I was originally going to color it by hand (may still do that) but Photoshop called so I decided to experiment. What do you think? I wanted her eyes to stand out more, but I might leave it like that.
Comments & Critiques (3)
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Posted: Tuesday, 16 September, 2003 @ 02:36 AM
Good point. The coloring was intended to be slightly on the stark and abstract side, though, and I worry that adding in a detailed background might spoil the effect. Perhaps swapping the white (in background and figure) for a lavender might bring it together...I'll have to try that out. Thanks!
that`s a gr8 pic!! I wish I could handle photoshop, :-P Keep drawing nice pics :-)