A Girtz

Wisconsin - RT2024 (HM)
Wisconsin - RT2024 (HM) by @ajfox (A Girtz)

Ahhhh, Wisconsin.  I know this great state by many names: "Sconnie-Ville","Sconnie-City","Hoos-con-i-sin","Whiskey Tango Foxtrot", etc.  I have family and a good friend from here.  Any sports team luck in these parts can usually be found within Wisconsin's borders.  I never thought it would become one of my favorite states, but it's really grown on me over the years and if there was a state as close to the familiar feel of Minnesota for both awesome people and amazing places, this state is it, 100%.  Lambeau Field, for example, really has to be seen to be appreciated. (For the sports fans)  Where else in the US can you find a massive football stadium looming over the surrounding, small town neighborhood?  

The Animals:  White-tailed deer, Cow, American Badger & Red Fox

RT2024 Series Honorable Mention. (Retro-actively acknowledging for past stays) 

Characters & Art © A. Girtz 2024

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