Holy shit what the hell why did it send so many times I’m sorry 😭
Bald men see and near
That’s how they can tell
A day from an hour and
An hour from the night
**Piece 2**Live the great days
Before the great days
Pass you by
Alameda-Neldammu Poem by @Haripog_The_Obscurist (Haripog the poggus)
The "Alameda-Neldammu' poem is a "mumble' of sorts found within one of the many "miscellaneous' sheets of paper full of sketches and words or phrases that were sketched and written mostly for the purpose of future referencing or to put something that came to mind and was thought wise or worth recording. As a result of the trivial nature of these papers, dating them is difficult, but the reference to “Free Patriot of Pitcher Canyon”, an interesting name of an internet user, whose Twitter presence is as of 2023, suspended, and YouTube presence undistinguished (likely source) suggests these poems to have been written in 2021, although whether it was for sure that year is hard to tell.
The naming refers to the two names found close to each other in the sheet of paper. Alameda likely referred to a possible name to place for a fictional location, while Neldammu likely referred to a DnD character heard. As for the poem, it is not really known what it really means, and thus only the exact machinations of my head at that time would know the reason.
© 2023 Haripog the poggus
Comments & Critiques (6)
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@DaGrandDragonn: It's ok. I deleted the repetitive comments if that's ok. Thanks for the comments.
@DaGrandDragonn: Dragonn make a single comment without cracking reality challenge (impossible).
@Thorvald: lol, since the update I’ve been good
My dumb ass didn’t realise that “Lit” meant “literature” and I was like “woah, is there a whole new section for LIT drawings!?” That being said, this cute little poem is “LIT”