Thank you! Yeah, the shading was probably the most involving part of this picture. And hibiscuses rule!
Elf Hibiscus by @Claidis (Lauren Rankin)
I started this while in the lab room at my college. I'm not sure who I was thinking of when I drew it, but she reminds me of someone who I've met before.. Just don't know who. Gave it to my would-be sister-in-law.
Comments & Critiques (3)
Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind
First, I'll do the annoying thing and repeat Athena - I love the shading and the flower is so pretty. :D Now onto new commenting! Woo! I love, LOVE her ear and eyes. I know that seems like "faint praise", but I love picking out little details that make me go, "ooo.. I'm so impressed!" And they do.
Some things to mention in case you want to do a portrait like this again (which I encourage muchly since you seem to have a talent for it. ;D ) - The neck seems very thick. I don't know if you referenced at all off a photograph. If so, just remember that when you're not going for complete photo-realism, you can 'cheat' and make things different for Artistic Purposes So There. :)
Another two things I want to mention - the hair could use a bit more detailing. I mean, it's nice, but a little bit more detail could have gone a long way towards making this even more gorgeous. :) And one more thing (I promise) - the lines under the nose? The indintation marks? I think those are way way dark. I think it's awesome that you indicated them, but as dark as they are now, it would have been better if you hadn't.
This could be 'forever old' but you still liked it, or something you did the same day you uploaded it (you didn't indicate, so I don't know), so you could 'already know this'. I just thought I'd point it out 'cause I like your artwork and I'd like to see it get even better. :D (Honest, if I didn't like it, I wouldn't bother to leave a comment at all, much less a critique... Hope you don't mind critique, btw..)
I really like the shading on this--in particular, the flower looks fantastic!