mischevious grin Actually, the crow in question is another person. A Devin Crow by name who tried to attack my poor, innocent, defenseless Pooka .... so she grabbed the nearest thing wacked him a good one upside the head.
Lillie and the Lamp of Crow-bashing by @Nixve (Kelly Berger)
A sketch of my Changeling character: a blue-jay Pooka named Lillie and her pet lizard. Yes, that is a butterfly on her shirt (you know, metamorphosis and all that symbolism) and her bellbottoms are decorated in feathers (hard to see from the scan).Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kelly Berger
Uhhhh... lamp?! XD That's great! I feel for the crows... though I imagine you'd not be attacking crows without provocation, and any crow that would cause you to chase after it with a cordless floor lamp is not something I'd ever want to meet...