
  • Dark Kitsunes United In Darkness- Dark Requiem OCPS
  • XxTheCreativeKitsunexX
  • /galleries/1/110/11046/originals/audio/c79c800e664e662dac253786af94ab799302cf1f.mp3

Dark Kitsunes United In Darkness- Dark Requiem OCPS by @XxTheCreativeKitsunexX (XxTheCreativeKitsunexX)



A creation of my own called Original Cinematic Picture Score which GrandLaner will be using in its creation process, this combines music with sound effects voice acting to create a cinematic like atmosphere but yes its like an audio book with higher quality sound.

I wanted to tell the story of what Kaize my main character for the first part of Dark Kitsunes United in Darkness had to go through when upon discovering his king had his Commander of the royal army order was to destroy a town filled with Kitsune people, went against the order and began to fight his own fellow soldiers after seeing the first arrow take out a kitsune child playing outside the town limits. The result was his own men he was in command with battle him and beating him into the ground and left for dead. Upon awakening, Kaize staggers into the ruins of the burning town to see if he can stop his commander and ex comrades from leveling the place and sees the extent to which the army is tearing up the town. Again Kaize throws himself into the fray managing to kill a number of soldiers who were attacking elderly kitsune men and women. Then he faces his Commander who in one quick swipe cuts Kaize down with one fell swipe. Lying in a pool of blood the rain begins to fall around him and the sounds of war echo until he passes out from loss of blood.

awakened by the sound of a church bell ringing loudly, Kaize gets up on shaky legs and begins to make his way into the town to the church, there he sees children without parents or those crying over them in the streets, babies left in the arms of surviving children and male and female kitsunes badly injured or dying. The thunder roaring deafens out only so much of the crying and misery around him. This is the extent of war in all of its horror and Kaize not seeing the side of those who have lost ever has fallen on his knees clutching his wound with tears streaming down his eyes. He was Helpless to help anyone let alone himself yet...he was responsible for it all.

Music is ©2017XxTheCreativeKitsunexX Dark Kitsunes is © and TM J.Delorey Productions Sword Dancer Studio Canada LTD. All Rights Reserved.

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Casual Only

Posted: Sunday, 14 January, 2024 @ 07:58 PM


Less an audiobook than a full-on radio play. What's your end goal for this project? Symphonic narrative à la Lord of the Rings, or a fully-voiced story?

Posted: Wednesday, 07 February, 2024 @ 06:08 PM

@Thorvald: *There is no end goal for this this was just me experimenting with being a sound producer along with a music composer and giving everything I had into creating a narrative using only music and sound effects to full effect to tell a story. I came up with OCPS cause I wanted to further immerse my audience in a world without words that could exist as anything the listener could conjure up on their minds. I based the track off an old project I originally came up with called Dark Kitsune where the hero had to face the consequences of his actions and ended up living a nightmare out in full as what transpired was caused by his "Just following Orders" *I also wanted it to showcase the horror of war and the after effects, it was a deeper experiment then even I anticipated, sadly the original version of this was lost to time because once again my old enemy...Hard Drive Failure. This is the first version of the track but the track that was fully completed and a lot of sound issues fixed was lost years ago, this is all there is left of it. *

Posted: Wednesday, 07 February, 2024 @ 08:57 PM

@XxTheCreativeKitsunexX: Disk failure; I know that all too well. Llama Emoji-08 (Crying) (V1) I had a really weird glitch on an older computer where a directory got fused into an unreadable file. Just my luck it was on the dedicated "game" partition—I lost a boatload of custom missions for Operation Flashpoint, including several machinima projects, and while in retrospect I handled the loss phenomenally well, I don't think I ever really recovered emotionally. :p

But yeah, as per DYOS I can visualize my multimedia experiences, but by and large lack the technical skills to realize them. It still blows my mind a self-taught and self-described dilettante can solo something like this. I envy you, man. B^)

Posted: Thursday, 08 February, 2024 @ 01:38 AM

@Thorvald: Yes my friend hard drive failure is the bane of he existence of anyone who deals with tech. As for your project if you have the time to learn and to experiment with something you can be one step closer to your goal, this project took a few months to come up with and then many hours of practice to get the right sound and to finally put it all into action. *Any project starts with a single step and that step often times requires great patience and persistence on your part, its the most important step as it puts everything into motion. I am always learning and wanting to expand my capabilities as a music composer and sound producer to new heights which is my driving force, as you get older and the more patience you learn you have the more you end up doing and the more farther you end up going.

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