He looks so cool and cute. And I like moogles X3
Happy Moogle in Snow by @ProphetEKA (Erik Amill)
I did a sketch of a random moogle in a hoodie recently at a friend's birthday party. No rhyme, no reason... just happened.
Flip to a few days later and I'm looking at this sketch. It's just a random character in my almost classic "Bored and Drawing" standing pose yet I felt like busting out the ol' light table setup, sparking a broadcast and giving it a slightly better treatment. Hopefully I can pass it to said friend... who I forgot to get a gift for.
Props to those who get the title's reference. = )
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Hmmm... I can't get the title reference, but I like the drawing. You draw a mean hoodie, and I mean that in the good way :D Hoodies are cool.