The Caedadid Invasion by @rollee (Rollee Bitterblossom)
Caedadids are highly intelligent problem solvers, capable of rapidly coming up with precision solutions. However they lack the mental capability for abstract computations or the patience for any long term research and development. As such, even mildly complicated levels of technology are beyond them. So how are they capable interspatial travel?
The answer is they’re not; not without assistance, an aspect that seems to be biologically designed into them via their eggs. Caedadid eggs are sensitive to their environment; capable of detecting a variety of factors such as ambient gravity, atmosphere, temperature, and radiation. If the egg does not believe its current environment is suitable for life, it goes into a stasis. In this state it is highly resilient and can even survive in the vacuum of space. These eggs can be transported with careless ease. They can be discovered by a space roaming race and taken back for study or they can be embedded in meteorites waiting to descend upon an unsuspecting planet. These naturally curious creatures can easily find themselves as stowaways in cargo ships and many planets have also made the mistake of trying to exploit the Caedadid’s naivety and brute strength in the form of slave trading, unwittingly spreading this invasive species.
This leads to a philosophical debate on the duality of the Caedadid’s existence. They are clearly biologically designed for interspatial transportation but cannot do so without the aid of other species. When combined with their generally complacent personality it can be easy to conclude they were meant to be in a symbiotic relationship. After all, it is extremely strange for a species as powerful as theirs to seem almost willing to give themselves up as vassals. Yet their easily triggered violence and pest-like attributes make them objectively hostile to any long term relationship. Some theorize that this may be signs of not symbiosis but rather parasitism.
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This is so fucking cool I’m gonna explode