Miss D. (Debra)

Star Fox and The Guardians of the Galaxy Team Up!
Star Fox and The Guardians of the Galaxy Team Up! by @Weasel_Silver24 (Miss D. (Debra))

Imagine two unlikely forces teaming up together to fight evil forces of Andross, Star Wolf, and many others! Coming to a theater -NOT- near you!!! Imagination only.

Eh! Not too bad, I managed to make Rocket Raccoon furry-like with Krita's blending brush, ink/colored in Illustrator. This is what being taking me a long time to do, that and of course being busy with summer life. ^_^ Heh!

I hope you like it, I feel like it could've been more (I don't know) epic-like, but I hope don't disappoint too much. :)

Hey, we can't have an actual Star Fox and Guardians of the Galaxy crossover, I do recommend checking out the those movies they were really fun as all get-out  to watch! ^_^

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Star Fox, Fox McCloud, Arwings, Star Wolf, Wolfen, Andross, all belong to (C) Nintendo. Guardians of the Galaxy, Rocket Raccoon, belong to (C) Marvel Studios/Comics. This drawing and idea for this is (C) 2024 Miss D. (Debra)

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Friday, 13 September, 2024 @ 01:28 AM
Rating: 5

Seeing this brought me back to the late 90's in the Star Fox 64 era.  I always thought it would have been more interesting to explore the antagonists of the series further (The Star Wolf team) rather than just have them there as the token bad guys.  I'm sure there is context I'm missing, but your piece evokes that "what if?"  scenario.  It's always interesting to me when the Protag and Antag put their differences aside to face a common threat.  Well done!

Posted: Friday, 13 September, 2024 @ 10:53 PM

@ajfox: Thank you! :)

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