Scooby Doom: Chickpea by @Eternity9
The great thing about Episode 21, is that Scooby Doo has briefly a chick following him around which was very cute, in the Scooby Doom AU its a Shiny Torchic which dose get to stay on the team.
I've been waiting to find this episode, as the memory of this interaction Scooby has with this chick stay in my brain while the rest of the episode I couldn't remember at all XD
So I knew in the Scooby Doom AU I wanted this little one to become a part of the team, but I didn't know when it would join them.
While adding new teammates to the gang isn't considered ideal I think it works in the Scooby Doom AU or at least in a Pokemon world setting.
Both the Mystery Gang and Villains now have other abilities to use which make the adventures/mysteries more interesting, also fight scenes, I like fight scenes.
Dooomy Doomy Doooo!