Dargon the Hexxilian
Dargon the Hexxilian by @Agondray

Yet another old Hexxilian character of mine!

As you can tell, this guy’s name is Dargon. He was meant to be Hornex’s father and leader of his tribe. Dargon himself is considered a wise and understanding leader, as well as a seasoned and skilled warrior. After all, he acts a mentor to his son and other younger Hexxilians who wish to become fierce fighters themselves. He wields a long ninjaku-style sword from his younger life, and he wields it to great effect. Although greatly respected and somewhat idolized in his tribe, Dargon is a humble old Hexxilian who acknowledges his own flaws and wishes to teach the younger generations to not repeat the same mistakes that his own generation did. He tries this for good reason. In his younger days, Dargon and his peers have been reckless in some acts that they committed, some more morally questionable than others. Over time, he started to realize just how ruthless and selfish a few of his comrades have become, especially a specific one who he considered the most vile of them all (later becoming one of his greatest enemies and one of the main villains). After a brutal fight, he abandoned his former kinsmen and eventually founded a new tribe of his own. Because of his history, Dargon wishes to put the past behind him and focus on helping others from following a similar path. However, he also knows that he can’t run from the past forever, especially since his former tribe-brother(the “vile one”) is still active and out there somewhere . . . and is out for blood.

Like the previous two characters, I thought about giving this guy a name change as well as update his design to fit in the lore of their new universe. I do like the name “Dargon”, but I feel it sounds more like a villain name and this guy is anything but a villain. I also want to make him look more like a proper chieftain and give him characteristics that show his age a little better. Aside from that, I don’t think much else will change about his character.

Feel free to let me know what you think!

4/5 of a series of drawings.

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 23 September, 2023 @ 06:10 AM

Now, there's an interesting thing to think about. How do you plan on showing age differences among Hexxilians? It looks like daddy has snoot spikes, and I didn't see those on any of the other characters' designs. Do the spikes come as they get older, or is that something that is entirely unique to him, for other reasons? Do the females show any differences? Perhaps their colors become more bright or faded at different points in their life? Do adults continue to grow as long as they remain healthy, or is it normal for them to eventually reach a peak like humans do, and then begin to shrink or slouch during their latter years? When you redesign them some day, do you think they will be more accepting of clothing, or will they continue to lean towards only wearing functional gear, such as belts and bandoliers? If clothing becomes more prominent, would different age groups wear different things; for example, earning armor as a sign of becoming an adult, or acquiring capes or badges to show their accomplishments?

Posted: Sunday, 24 September, 2023 @ 03:43 AM

@Cynicallia: Those are all some very good questions!

Originally, the nose spikes were going to be trait that was unique to Dargon and certain other older Hexxilians. I didn’t think much of it at the time, I just thought it looked cool and it helped set him apart from the younger ones. I really didn’t think much about age differences when I first created these characters, aside from Hornex having a dad. All the females were going to have long hair, as I used to think of it as a more feminine trait. Females also usually wore more clothing, following the tradition of designs for Sonic characters and classic cartoon characters in general. Also, all Hexxilians were just lighter or darker shades of brown, regardless of age or health.

In the new universe, the whole species is getting an overhaul! I was thinking the snoot spikes are a result of a slightly uncommon genetic mutation, though a decent amount of the population has this trait. You’re just not guaranteed to inherit it, even if both parents have them. For sexual dimorphism, I was thinking males would just be a teeny bit bigger than females; but not by a significant margin. They all need to be able to climb up trees and other surfaces effectively after all! Although all of them have “manes” now, the hair on females is still generally longer for cultural reasons, and it tends to grow faster on them too. I was also thinking of giving them a wider range of skin colors; like yellow, orange, pink, light red, amber, hazel, and bronze. Though some of them, like Hornex and co., will still be brown, as that is also a skin color for them. A few of them may even be gray, black, white, or even a very pale blue or green, though these colors are much less common and aren’t considered full natural. In regards to age, they definitely have a peak. Once they’re past their prime, they do begin slouch and degrade a bit. Though, they do have ways to mitigate the effects of old age, and some individuals do age a bit slower than others. When it comes to clothing, it honestly differs from tribe to tribe and even clan to clan. Some may allow and/or like to accessorize with jewelry, or more fancy and exotic materials for decoration, while others might only accept clothing or accessories that are only practical and nothing else. However, some who were either raised in or grew up in or near “outsider” settlements may adopt styles from these places to either ‘fit in’ better or simply because they like to wear such things. Like I said, it varies from tribe to clan to even the individual at times. I guess certain things, like capes or badges or even a specific piece of armor or clothing, have to earned in order to wear them. How to earn that honor, again differs between groups.

I know this is a lot of info to take in, but there is a lot more stuff I’m planning to incorporate into their lore and I didn’t want to go overboard with just this one comment. I figured to at least give you enough of it to answer at least some of your questions for the time being. The story and lore for it is still a work in progress, and that is just ONE of a bunch of stories I want to work on! It can be a bit overwhelming trying to juggle between different projects, especially when you add things like a job and certain routines into the mix!

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