Lothar's glaring at something o.O by @Scryren (Ashley Tate)
A coloured close up of Lothar from the graveyard pic I did some time ago. And it took 6 hours to do because his head was flat X_X and his right arm was disfigured...and still is, but that's not the point now is it? and i put 2001..someone shoot me.
poke poke hhhmmm PERDY!! blue.. flesh-- scrum-deli-umpshish...... you are so lucky to have a class with Bill Nye!!! i WANT A CLASS WITH HIM! my favorite science guy.... and i don't get to have a science class with him.... and i probably never will-- STUPID school... they take the best people away from me... its like they think i'll get screwed up if i have classes with these people... when the truth is i ALREADY am a screwed up child of satan http://www.side7.com/cgi-bin/S7SDB/Archive.pl?ANO=2851