Hi Jessica I love all your work...When are you finishing this one..? The lines in his eyes are not right... go to this site she taught me a few things and I still have alot to learn Shirley http://div.dyndns.org/EK/tutorial/eye/
UGHHHH by @morna (Jessica Evans)
Boy...this one has me frustrated...its a photoshop painting of my boyfriend Joel. it looks real wonky right now cause its not done. But I do like his face thus far. This is all done from scratch, except a photo used for reference. I plan on fising his ear and coloring the shirt and bakground, all that good stuff. I also need to fix the hair. It also looks wonky because I I accidentally made the hair on a new layer and had to copy and paste the hair onto the first layer. Anywho, I'm too tired to finish this tonight...or shall I say morning...so its going to have to wait till tommorrow...lol
Comments & Critiques (3)
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Really nice so far with the skin. Keep the sharpness in the lips! Don't oversmear in the neck! Okay? It'll make it look better.
If you're stuck on some part, start doing something for the background; it'll make it easier to see what you're working with, anyway.
Actually, I wanted a different tutorial...but anyway, a better way to do irises and pupils is to first fill in the color of the iris, THEN afterwards use a perfect circle airbrush to add the pupil. After that, you can add your darks and lights to the eye. It keeps the eye frm being so messy/lopsided (you really really want the iris to be PERFECT CIRCLE OF DOOM RAWR).
Keep up the nice work! It's turning out really well.