Ack! Curly hair! evil....
Okay, now that that is out of my system, looks pretty nice. The hair looks good (I just don't like drawing hair like that) the embroidery is very nice, and props for the sword details and for at least thinking about how the scabbard is connected to the belt. And the background is kinda nice. Was that photoshop, or some sort of sponge painting or something?
A few minor quibbles with the anatomy though. The girl's right ear (our left) looks a bit low--compared to the eyes and the other ear. And the arms looks a little squiggly. Her right wrist is tiny. And the other arm....The way its posed makes it seem like the elbow should be pushing the fabric out somewhere.
But quibbles aside, it is a very well done composition.
Oh wow, it's absolutely beautiful!!! I'm jealous...hehe.