Vaoni Black

Reo Galahad Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Full Name: Renero Leon Galahad

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Height: 5'10

Birthplace: Deruscia, Savean.

Race: Unknown Exactly.

Bio: Reo is a very hateful person. He hates anyone and everyone and trusts no one also. This is all result of a very bad childhood.

His past has also left him quite scarred and mentally ill. He self harms and has attempted suicide multiple times.

Reo is a very big fan of the metal genre of music. He enjoys playing it and listening to it. He also enjoys motorcycling, driving dangerously, piloting and basically operating any sort of vehicle. He has no fear as such except for that of being rejected and hurt. Which is why he keeps himself to himself and doesn't open up to anyone.

Background and history coming soon...