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Yuji Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:


Spiecies: hanyou- black Inu youkai, Korean Earth Priestess

Birthday: 5/24

Blood type: O

horoscope: Gemini

age that shows: 13, but her demon age is 16

actual age: uh.. same age as Inuyasha?

Abilities: superhuman powers, Forgiving Earth, Rage of Earth, pressure points, earthen shafts, Drum of Growth, etc.

Favorite things: cute things, playing, Porky-Chan, books, drumming, drawing.

things she doesn't like: when called 'plump', talk fighting, when people talk about things she doesn't know

Yuji's nature is partially mine, but her life is much simpler than the author. she looks younger than she is, much to her annoyance. Yuji's best friend is a bear named Porky, nicknamed P-Chan or Porky-Chan, and a porcupine yokai named Eori (you'll see him later on the story) her mother and father are living in Korea, due to her mother's homesickness- or so she thinks. (her mother is a Korean human, and her father was the Japanese black Inu yokai.)

Family: mother- Chung hi father- Atoru