Lacuna Vexilium

Tourniquet Vatnsenda Ornolfsdottir Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Eternally tormented, frustrated, and depressive, Tourniquet is among my 6 "basic" characters and one of my most beloved. Her coat is mainly white, with black markings on the wings, hind legs, and tail. Her eyes are a bright, clear blue with black lids, her forelegs can be either yellow or grey, her bill and talons are black, and her cere and rictals are yellow.

Tourniquet is occasionally merged through some sort of syncretism with her polar opposite, another one of the basics and another of my most precious characters, the divine, sanguine. effervescent Sagodjura.

Tourniquet has a sharp wit and tends to be on the sardonic side, although she can also be mercilessly frank. She tends to shun the company of others, though she knows what she truly longs for is to love and be loved in return. She's the demon of my nightmares and the overseer of my saturnine feelings...submissive, fearful, and wrathful.

She's often severely depressed and in spite of her immortality, attempts suicide frequently. Sagodjura ventured to help Tourniquet, but the latter gryphon is too egocentric and fiercely independent to even consider outsiders meddling in her affairs.

Tourniquet embodies the darker part of my psyche; some characters derived from her are Amy and Skadet.