Hannah Lupton

Hanako Fairhall Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species Mooncat/echidna hybrid, and a small amount of demon(reason: Her ancestors from the past were demons, so she's part demon, plain and simple ^^;)

Likes: Shanghai noodles, Dim Sum (a type of Chinese food...I think o.o) swimming (yes, I do know what species she is ^^;;), nice people, rodents (again, yes, I know what species she is ^^;;)

Dislikes: Robotnik and his goons, the Dark Legion, slugs, worms, or anything that resembles them (with a bit of an exception to snakes, she only hates the fact that they eat rodents) stereotypes(even though she sometimes uses them herself ^^;;), and when people accuse her of being a bad guy because of her breed(well, part of it anyway [I guess that falls under stereotypes ^^;;]) and (for the most part) Demon Hunters (although they're known to hunt only evil demons)

Strengths: a bit stronger and more flexible than most people. and despite her weaknesses she can be very clever and once in a while saves the day =)

Weaknesses: She's somewhat vulnerable and jumpy but she makes an effort not to let that stop her and more often than not, that effort pays off.

Powers(besides the force): Okay, yeah, she uses the force, she my char so nyah ^^;; Anyway, she is a telapath(meaning that she can communicate using her mind) but it does take alot of concentration, and there are times where that just isn't possible o.o;; She can change from a mobian cat into an earth cat, which helps when she's trying to blend in or fit in or through tight spaces ^_~ But she also has an unusual (but not unanticipated...not by her parents anyway) power, she can also transform to a demon (she does take up some of the physical traits, but not the personality traits...sorry ^^;;) to hopefully scare off enemies, but unfortunately that does sometimes backfire in one form or another, either by turning some of her allies against her, or causing some enemies to just come after her all the more >.<;;;;;

Background: Well, there isn't much to tell about the first five years (approxmetly) of her life, she was born into a rather wealthy family in the city of Mobotropolis of her mother Mira and her father Matthew. When she grew from an infant into a toddler, she decided she wanted to become a Jedi Knight, it wasn't long before she began her beginner's training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant under the widely famed Jedi master Yoda. Once she had completed her beginners training she was surprised to find that her uncle had come to Coruscant and offered to take her under his wing as his padawan. However, that happiness was short-lived; as one tragic day she discovered that her uncle had mysteriously disappeared. For days she, members of her family, and friends tried in vain to find him. Eventually they found him, safe and sound, but he seemed to have undergone a change, he had become more feral and aggressive, and any attempts to start a friendly conversation often ended up in violence. One fateful night, Hana was suddenly abducted from her home in the suburbs of Mobotropolis by her own uncle. Although she was safely returned to her parents by the abductor, the Jedi Council of Mobius agreed that any further contact between her and her uncle would be a disaster, and did everything in their power to keep the two seperated, much to the dismay of Hana herself. About a week after that incident, Doctor Robotnik carried out his plan to take over Mobotropolis, resulting in the roboticization of 85% of the population. Fortunately, Hana and her parents were among the 15% that escaped into the Great Forest and into a small hidden village called Knothole. Due to Hana's natural agility and strength as well as her strength in the force (although she was far from becoming a fully fledged jedi) it was decided that she was to become a fully fledged freedom fighter. Everything went fine for a while but unfortunately one infiltration mission she and her parents went on happened to be a scheme planned by Doctor Robotnik, and as a result, Matthew and Mira had been roboticized into Robotnik's slaves...only Hana was spared from that fate. Devastated by all that took place, she curled up among discarded robots and began to weep. Suddenly, she was approached by a recruiter from the Dark Legion(of course, at this time she didn't know this) claiming that he saw everything that happened and told her that if she went with him she would be the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy, Hana wasn't interested. He then said that if she went with him she could give Robotnik the revenge he deserves, Hana still wasn't interested. After a brief pause, the stranger said if she went back to her home, she would be disgraced and exiled because of what had happened. That did it, she sadly went with the stranger and through a portal into another reality. However, six years later, she was found wandering aimlessly around the old city of Mobotropolis (now Robotropolis) due to mysteriously regaining control of her own mind. But because of her being part of the Dark Legion for so long, however, her humanity was almost nonexistant. A few years have passed, and despite the state she was in when she rejoined the freedom fighters, she began coping with being an individual and recovering from upsets she had during that time (such as her uncle's death in battle.) After guessing that Dr. Robotnik may have been behind her uncle's 'changes' and her being tied into the Dark Legion, she vowed to solve the mystery and uncover his motive.

Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst when she was ambushed and abducted by the Dark Legion. And this time, they made sure she wouldn't leave again by intergrating cybernetic parts into her body...regardless of her natural telepathic powers being put at risk. However, after a particularly bloody battle against the Chaotix over a "flawed" experiment (I know it's vague, but I'm referring to a friend's char here...no, he doesn't mind if I do this, it was him that wrote that, anyway, I don't want to spoil that ^^;;) that particular "experiment" launched her off the edge of the Floating Island and into the Great Forest. Fortunately, she was discovered by a fellow Jedi who had sensed her prescence, and brought back to a jedi temple(?) in the area. It wasn't too long after the implants were removed that she chose to resume her training from the master of that temple. At this time(?) she's steadily moving back towards the light side of the force and getting closer to becoming a Jedi Knight. But her month-and-a-half long ordeal didn't come without a price: She has yet to gain trust from those she unwllingly threatened during her time with the DL, and her once-peaceful nights are now sadly filled with nightmares about the painful and terrifying procedures they put her through (and other people she saw)

Special Thanks/Extra Credits: John Fadeley for writing the last paragraph of her background and for bringing her into his stories hugs ^_^

Fletch Forrester for taking creative liberty with her parents' names (even if they are the same as my brother's and his lady friend's name) Thanks, wherever you are ^^;;