
Mari Faucher Character Reference

Species: Human
Birthday: December 18, 1953
Age: 30s-40
Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisiana
Height: 5’8’
Weight: 140
Orientation: Pansexual
Gender Identity: Nonbinary
Pronouns: They/She

Mari is an oc I created two or three years ago for the series, Harmony and Horror, by Battington.


(Copy and pasted from and old Google doc, I definitely need to rewrite all of this as a lot has changed with this character and yadda yadda yadda enjoy.)

Personality;; Mari can be judgemental, snarky, and impulsive. But, Mari is also quiet, and is very observant and perceptive. She's often quiet, laid-back, and generally prefers to be alone. She's very organized and meticulous. Analytical. She is caring and compassionate towards those that she cares about, and puts others first before herself. She's very strong-willed and determined when she wants to achieve a goal. She doesn't give in easily and will stand up for herself when it's necessary. With the people Mari's very close to, she can be witty and playful, energetic and lively, with a good sense of humor and a love for joking around. She has a very creative mind and enjoys designing characters and toys.

Physical Appearance;; Mari is a brown skinned woman (half black, half white) with freckles, and light green eyes. She usually wears all black, including her makeup; a long, black coat, with two buttons at the middle. Underneath she sports a black turtleneck with a black skirt that stops at her knees. She wears fishnet stockings, with some black boots that stop at her ankles. She wears gold colored hoop earrings, and a golden sun pendant that stops just above her breasts. When she works at the M&A Harmony Toy store, she wears a long green jacket, with yellow moons and stars imprinted on it. She wears black stripped pants and black heels. She keeps her hair up with green ponytail. She would wear green moon earrings. She’d wear a necklace with a sun attached. When working for Martin and Arthur GreyWhinder, she wears a brown plaid jacket and skirt, black turtleneck, along with black tights and black heels. She keeps the hoop earrings, but instead of wearing the sun pendant, she wears a gold colored necklace.

Backstory;; Mari is the oldest of two kids. Mari Faucher was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, but moved away after when she was 12 with her mom, after her father died. They end up in Incubus Maine, Georgia, where her mother immediately remarried (Detective) Harold Stewart, and from there on they met and grew up alongside her close friends Gloria, who she met first, and Martin and his older brother, Arthur. As a young girl, Mari had a passion for art and design which she shared with her close friends. They had all bonded, and became a tight-knit group of friends during their highschool years. Nearing the end of highschool, Martin realized that he had genuine feelings for Mari, but at the time Mari didn't feel the same way and viewed their relationship as purely platonic. This caused a tension to develop between the two and strained their friendship for a time. After highschool, Mari drifts apart from her friends, excluding Arthur, and for a long while she worked at her mother's coffee shop, and some other small jobs. Mari and Arthur's relationship began to change overtime, growing into a sort of romantic relationship, but later on they decided to keep it somewhat platonic. Thanks to Arthur, Mari met up with Martin and Gloria again, and as Mari began to reconnect with Martin and Gloria, Martin's old feelings for Mari began to resurface. And Martin began to grow feelings of jealousy upon realizing that Mari and Arthur had a bit of a thing going on. Despite this, he didn't let it interfere with his own relationship with Gloria. Skipping forward, Mari ends up quitting her job at the coffee shop and begins working with Arthur and Martin as a toy designer for a couple years. But, with the incidents happening, and with her literally being attacked by one of Martin's toys, which leads to a huge fight happening between her and Martin, she quits and later begins working at the Arcade next door. She doesn't completely cut off contact with Martin or his family, because despite what happened, she cared too much about them to leave. She had grown super close to Martin's kids, becoming more like an aunt to them. Skipping past this, Gloria caves and tells Mari about her affair with Arthur, and this ends up changing her relationship with Arthur and Gloria significantly. Around the same time, Martin finds out about the affair, and that the kids aren't his own, and that was something Gloria couldn't tell Mari. With Martin feeling betrayed, and Mari feeling hurt and confused, Martin convinced Mari to begin a sort of relationship with him behind Gloria's back. But then, Martin and his family disappear for a while(around the time he murdered Arthur, Gloria, and the kids), and Mari is left confused until news comes out of Martin being a murderer. Mari is only left to assume that Martin must've killed his family, and is scared for her safety after that. And she's right in that, because later on Martin would show up to her house in the jester costume in the dead of night to try and kill her. They fight, and Martin does stab Mari in the stomach , which later on leaves a huge scar, running from their ribs to their abdomen. To neutralize Martin, she gently puts her hands behind his neck, tears off his mask, and kisses him. It was a last ditch effort that she, not even in her wildest dreams, would've done in any other scenario, but it would work on Martin, and he'd let her live, much to Mari's bewilderment. A couple years after that incident, Mari kept to herself, kept away from others that reminded her of Martin and what he did, until news of Arthur being alive came up, anp, and the Arcadia being built. This leads Mari to go to work at the Arcadia, to get closer to "Arthur," to figure out what was really going on.


Her likes include reading, sleeping (she's always tired due to work and other things), painting, drawing, coffee (she's addicted to it) taking care of animals. Watching horror movies. Listening to music (especially with Martin), Skateboarding, puppet making, just about anything she can do to distract herself from the stresses of her life. She doesn’t care if she’s good at any of the things she likes doing.


Mari dislikes interacting with people she doesn't know very well, as it makes her feel uncomfortable and anxious. She also does not like public speaking or giving presentations, preferring to stay out of the spotlight. She dislikes when others try to pry into her personal life, especially when it comes to her relationships. Mari is also rather sensitive to loud noises and finds them overstimulating. She dislikes rude and pretentious people, who have a sense of superiority about them that comes off as condescending.

Children: Mari met Gloria first, then Martin and lastly Arthur. Martin has a tiny crush on Mari. Boom. Martin Mari Glor Arth childhood friends

Highschool: Gloria and Mari get together, break up, Arthur n Mari had a thing but it wasn’t official. Kind of Mari and Martin but it was one sided (Martin has feelings for Mari, but Mari doesn’t)

Adults. Martin and Gloria are married. Arthur and Gloria have an affair. Bit of Arthur and Mari but again it wasn’t official

Adults (with the demon). Gloria and Martin’s marriage (unhealthy). Gloria and Arthur (affair). Martin convinces Mari to get together with him and This starts their relationship. (affair)

Adults (death). Martin and Mari (or Marthur, Fake Arthur, whatever that thing is) get together and blah blah blah we have to wait for a new Harmony and Horror ep to release. (Barebones description of their relationships, if you’ve ever seen my art anywhere then you’d see the extent of their relationships with the characters.)

Family and Friends:
Annie Stewart (mom)
Danny Faucher (dead) (Mari’s real father)
Detective Harold Stewart (stepfather)
Joseph Stewart (half brother)
Markus Stewart (Bewildered Bastard’s oc, Mari’s little cousin)
Pepper (Mari’s pet cat)

Friends: Martin GreyWhinder Arthur GreyWhinder Gloria GreyWhinder (For obvious reasons) The GreyWhinder kids (more of an aunt figure to them thanks to her relationship with Arthur) Franklin Norway Amy Willson Any of my Friend’s ocs honestly