Bryan Costello

Mythica Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Originally one of the high generals of the demonic forces back in the demon wars. She has been alive for over thousands of years. She was born in the alternate dimension just the same as the other demons are born, out of the negative emotions / feelings and thoughts. of the regular dimension. However there was some sort of flaw in her design. She was then battle trained and sent through for the war. During the war she performed what she was trained to, but she questioned her superiors to why they were attacking the other dimension for no reason. She was told that it was the instinct of every demon to feed upon the souls of the living. Unsatisfied, she took refuge in a ruined towerlike building bringing.

To make a long story short. Arenaz came to her after her family was killed an Mythica raised her. Mythica realized that humans weren't as bad as the demons said. detail to this story will be added it goes very in-depth. I just shortened it due to lack of time currently

Mythica still resides in the Tower of Arenaz, and she does still need to eat souls. Mythica: "I eat souls, but only the ones of foolish mortals."