Lakai Miyonashi

Lakai Han'ei Miyonashi Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

My anthro/sonic/main character. I draw her A LOT (since she IS my main character who represents me) but I don't know how many pictures of her will be posted here. To see more of her, see my account at DeviantART. Her profile will be listed below (I apologize for the messy format):

Name-Lakai Han'ei Miyonashi

Nickname(s)-Lakai, the artist, Hey!




Species-Lion/Half Demon

Eyes-Violet (they tilt up slightly in the outward corners, oriental-style)

Fur-Pale, Dull Olive Green


Other-Her tail is long and has a tuft of violet fur at the end and is bandaged near the base. She has ears, but you can't see them, being that they're hidden behind her hair. Her hair is brushed out so it's straight, and it looks A LOT like Mimiru's (.hack//sign), or BlackRose's (.hack//infection). It flips out slightly, and stops about an inch and a quarter (sometimes just an inch) above her shoulders. Her bangs are very long, about down to a fourth of an inch above her chin. Her hair is naturally black, but she dyes her bangs violet (or other colors, but mainly violet), as well as the fur at the tip of her tail. She has demon wings (with little tiny claws at the top), but you don't usually see them unless she's in her "demon form". She also has her Light Chaos form, where her hair and fur change colors, as well as her eyes--she gains big, long, feathery wings, too. During this, her fur and the majority of her hair turns white, her bangs and tail fur-tuft thing turn light blue, and the tips of her hair turn yellow/green/light blue (they fade into each other--see [link]). As for her eyes, they turn light turquoise. But she doesn't turn Light Chaos very often.

Clothing-Mainly stuff you'd see at Hot-Topic (^^). Lots of black, ALWAYS pants (she hates shorts and dresses/skirts of all kinds......except shorts that stop a little below the knee--those are okay....BUT HARDLY EVER!!!!), and baggy pants, at that. Always many belts, buckles, and zippers. Constantly wears a choker that looks like a belt thing. Likes old fashioned keys (skeleton keys, sort of). Wears mostly black, with some red, white, or purple. Quite often wears black and white/black and red striped knee socks. Actually...always. Tends toward polo shirts, too.

Personality-Upbeat, mostly. She's optimistic, but has a short temper. VERY sarcastic, and somewhat moody. Cocky sometimes, too. Music seems to calm her down, as does drawing. She also likes to play video games...A LOT. She despises girly stuff and light or bright colors. She cares for her friends very much, and loves being around them. She also loves chao. And GIR. But she hate, hate, HATES pigeons. She's deathly afraid of them, and if she ever actually DOES use her demon powers (which she has, but hardly ever uses), it's usually to kill the buggers. If pushed to a highly volatile emotional state (please note: HIGHLY volatile), she'll turn into her Light Chaos form. This doesn't happen often.

Chao-Makuya (dark flying/running), Jinsoku (dark running), Shiira (hero flying/flying), Mizu (hero swimming/swimming), Zuchi (dark running/running), Shissou (neutral running/running), Ryu (dark power/power), Unagi (hero swimming/running), Ichigo (hero power/swimming), Kage (dark running), Kaze (neutral flying/flying), Hikari (dark flying/flying)