Gail Johnson

Whitewolf Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 23.
Clan-name: BlackRuby.
Dislikes: Our arch-enemy Lawrence Limburger and his goons and all other Plutarkians, the Foot Clan (INCLUDING Karai, their current leader!), slavers, traitors, cowards, sell-outs; etc.
Given name: Whitewolf;
Likes: Hanging with my family and friends (Martian and Terran), writing, drawing, playing and listening to music, riding my bike, "Wyldfyre", being with Raphael (who is my heart's love), star-gazing; etc.
Nicknames: Wolf or Wolfie (although only Michelangelo can call me this and get away with it unscathed).
Occupation: Martian Freedom Fighter and Ninja, Healer and TruthSeer.
Personality: Quiet, calm, loving, fiercely loyal to those I love, steady, intelligent, fierce-tempered (when I have to be), basically open-minded, more than a bit of a romantic, giving, selfless and gentle.
Powers/Gifts: Those of Healing (OFTEN used, out of necesity!) and TruthSeeing (not used as often, only when needed).

FAMILY (BIOLOGICAL): Tredz BlacRuby (dad), Silverdawn BlackRuby (mom), Throttle BlackRuby (older bro, and leader), Torque BlackRuby (younger bro), Ebony BlackRuby (younger sister, and the baby of the family), Modo "Maverick" Moonfire (cousin; slightly older than Throttle), Vinnie (Vincent), Aaron (twin brother) and Silverstorm Stormhawk (although Vinnie tends to go by "Van Wham" on Earth. And Silverstorm (called "Silver by her two older sibs) disappeared under rather mysterious circumstances just before we left Mars on an unspecified mission) (cousins) and Rimfire and Primer Moonfire (younger twin cousins; Modo's niece and nephew).

FAMILY (ADOPTED; MARS): Shiningflame (Flame) Firecrag (Martian Moraggi-Gi (dragon-horse) stallion (Si-Ra-Ka; my soul-bonded best friend)), Icestorm (Ice) Firecrag (Flame's younger sister), Firefrost (Frost) Stormfire (Flame and Ice's cousin), Stoker Gentry (father-in-all-but-blood; mine and the gang's commander in the Martian Resistance), Master Sandstorm Dragonfire (my Sensei and Master, and Master of my Martian Ninja Clan, the Clan of the StarDragon) and Eyalli (my teacher in the Art of Healing and TruthSeeing).

FAMILY (ADOPTED; EARTHER (TERRAN)): Charlene "Charley" Davidson (owner of the "Last Chance Garage in Chicago, and our staunchest friend and ally; I proudly call her "Clan-Sister" (although I have the VERY sneaking suspicion that, if my big bro Throttle has HIS way, sooner or later, she'll wind up as my sister-IN-LAW, rather than my Clan-Sister), April O'Neil (Charley's cousin in New York City, another dear friend and adopted Clan-Sister; owner of the "Second Time Around" Antique Shop), Casey Jones (NYC vigilante and adopted Clan-Brother), Master Hamato Splinter (Mutant Rat; my much-beloved second Sensei and Third Soul's-Father), Hamato Leonardo (Mutant Turtle; age 18, beloved friend, skilled swordsTurtle and warrior, adopted Clan-Brother), Hamato Donatello (Mutant Turtle; age 18, equally beloved friend, master of the bo-staff, scientist, inventor, engineer, self-taught medic and surgeon, adopted Clan-Brother), Hamato Michelangelo (Mutant Turtle, age 18; master of the nunchakus, prankster, free spirit (also the ONLY living creature in all the Seven Scattered Galaxies who can call me "Wolfie' and get away with it with his shell (to say NOTHING of his green hide!) intact!), also my adopted Clan-Brother) and last but definitely NOT least, Hamato Raphael (Mutant Turtle, Leo's identical twin, age 18; master of the sais, hot-tempered, volitile, takes guff off of no-one (EXCEPT for Master Splinter, natch!), leaps before he looks (and usually lands up over his head and shell in major trouble!), but for all his hot temper, has a gentle, loyal and loving heart and soul...my beloved Soul's Mate, and destined LifeMate). Weapons: My sword, "Shadowstorm", my sai, hunting knife, shuriken and my phased-plasma blaster. Ride: my beloved black Cyber/warbike, "Wyldfyre".

That's basically all that there is to know about me. Interesting, isn't it? ;p