Vio Starkiller

Maia Character Reference

Species: Azulkai Common Enkolu
Birthday: 1st of the 1st month, year 472 Ahweni era
Age: 13 (Chapter 1)
Place of Birth:
Orientation: Asexual biromantic
Gender Identity: Cis Female
Pronouns: she/her

Bio: The main protagonist of The Entity. Maia is a good-natured, disciplined and hard-working Magus. She, however, can grow obsessed over a topic she feels is important, and then strive for perfection. She takes her missions and training seriously, and will fight her opponent if given no other choice. She is often seen in the library reading books. When she is neither reading nor sparring, she enjoys hanging out with her friends. She would do anything to protect those she cares about even if it goes against her orders. Lately, she has been troubled by visions regarding the Abyss. She also fears the sight of fire, though she is fine if it is on a torch or if it is at a far enough distance. First appearance: The Entity Chapter 1 Toyhou.se page: