Umeko Yamitaro

Umeko Yamitaro Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 23 Earth years 123 Moon years
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Birthdate: First season 15th dawn
Blood Type: A
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox
Gender: Vixen
Height: 5 feet 4 inches
Beliefs/Religion: A lunarian religion is a bit different then the ones on earth, They worship their Mother of Life named Christania she was the last Kitsune to leave earth and came to live on the moon.
Hobby: Exploring, Flying
Race: Luna Vuline or Lunarian

Basic Description: Umeko is a warm hearted, caring girl who dislikes violence and rather not fight unless she really don't have a choise to. When she was 5 moon turns old her father had decided to put her through intense training as her brother got captured by Azarumouda and his dragonian army. The King knew that they would come back to finish their job and they would most likely go after Umeko as she is the last heir to the throne. Umeko has been taught the way of an assassin and the traditional martial arts technique that the Lunarians had developed.

Current Information

family background The Lunarian actually is just a hybrid between a Lunar Kitsune and a Moon Cat. They came to be when a Kitsune boy named Markorian and a catgirl named Fariilina fell in love, got married and later on had a son that they named Skyiler and their last name was Yamitaro.

birth place The Lunarian Castle

history, background Umeko was born on the Moon in the Lunarian palace. They believed that she'd grow up in safety and become the heir to the throne. But on her 115th birthday everything was turned upside down when an army of Dragonians attacked and wiped out all of her people, only ones that survived was her, her sister Hitomi and her brother Skyiler whom was captured by the dragonian lord Azarumouda, who lives on a black planet behind Saturn, no one knows how it ended up there without anyone seeing it. But after defeating the dark lord she found out why, there was a black hole behind the planet so it was believed that the planet came from another dimension. When trying to investigate Umeko got sucked into the black hole. and Found herself in another world.

home The Moon (that circles around Earth)

possesions, make-up, jewelry, The Lunar Blade, A necklase she got from her mother when her magic was given

pets Nagareboshi an Alicorn from a comet given to her by her father. An Ice dragoness named Yrrila

Physical Description

hair style Long and wavy

eyes Soft and warm, but when she gets angry they grow sharp and flashes brightly blue

body Hourglass shaped body with a little muscular arms as she is a warrior

physical condition Umeko is fit and healthy, agile *has the ability to jump 7 feet without any struggle

marks,scar,tattoo She has stripes all over her body except for her arms and legs. Arms and legs are a soft blueviolet color while her tails and eartips are silver.

She has a scar on her right cheek, her right side and right calf from her first encounter with the Legendary Sword Dancer

clothing Royal wear (I'm working on a good armor for her as her current wear is not suited for fighting)


likes To Explore, fly, make new friends.

dislikes She hates violence and would not fight unless she has no other choise

fears Death, that Akuma one day will gain full control over her body.

goals To bring peace to the Milky Way and to restore The Lunarian race to what it used to be, but with only her and her sister left alive... it's hard to do unless she finds a mate with Kitsune blood

hobbies Exploring, flying, riding, going for a walk

occupation Princess, Warrior

favorite food Umeko likes the taste of wild meat and fish Really you put fish infront of her, and she'll go nuts!

least favorite food Humans and she doesn't find the bean root to be that very tasty

most prized possesion (important or emotional value) Her Necklase and a ring with a black diamond that was given to her

vernacular (way of speaking) Very soft spoken, with a slight accent Lunarian is a unique language, her Rs, Ss and As are very sharp

psychological condition Her mind is very laid back, but she is also very strong willed and will not stop for anything once she has made up her mind of what she wants

character behaviour Very quiet and calm but can have her moments of craziness ^^

aptitude She has many abilities but from birth she has the ability to shine in the darkness She didn't even know this This light can be turned into a weapon and be used to blind her foes. She also has the ability of flight, liquid flames Like lava but it moves faster and is the color of blue And because she was born out of pure moonlight she can control water gives her the ability to heal

social and other pressure, problems She gets timid very easily as she is all alone in the enormous universe and it takes her a while to get used to it

relationships (with who and what kind) Hitomi her little sister She has a whole bunch of good friends that always comes to her side when she needs. She has a strong crush on the legendary sworddancer Kaize Dienstien, and it shows, Everytime he gets near her, her face goes beet red and she can barely talk

beliefs, superstition, moral value She hates violence again and believes that War is not the answer to the problems.

positive characteristics Strong willed, Has a big heart of gold, always friendly

negatives characteristics Stubborn, When she gets very angry to the point where she goes over the edge in rage a demon named Akuma takes over her body and that is NOT good

personality Sweet, loving, kind, friendly, warm and has a very good heart

other She is the only one who can wipe out the darkness.


physical Trained to be an expert Assassin and martial artist, which is a good trait as they don't have thoes skills everywhere in the galaxy. She bites and claws just like a cat

magical Liquid Flames, Light, Water

other Flight