El Thorvaldo Moderator

J. C. Reitan Character Reference

Species: Human
Age: beyond his years
Place of Birth: Republic of Coruscant, assumed
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

A Coruscanti soldier and sole survivor of a vanguard party sent to recover the Gem from Arrakis in the closing chapter of DYOS X. Exactly what transpired has never been revealed, but it left him physically scarred and mentally traumatized. Reitan speaks almost-exclusively in riddles and allusions, with recurring references to "Itchy" and "the Fox"; briefly encountered by CivGeneral, he is subsequently captured by the Combine, who grill him for information on the Gem, largely unsuccessfully. Following the Dune arc, he returns to the Republic of Coruscant and is taken into asylum in Part II.

  • Reitan was the product of a misreading of this comic: the Chancellor describes sending a task force, which I assumed was directly to Arrakis, yet until Reitan's introduction there is no mention of a vanguard party in @GenMarshall's comics. (Collaborations at this time were still largely informal and few scripts were shared in detail.) Re-reading the Dune arc later, I realized the very next panel says CivGeneral is heading the mission: the brigades are in reserve for after they've recaptured the New Port spaceport.
  • Reitan was represented in Garry's Mod by Old Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4; this places the "eyepatch" on the opposite side.
  • There was a fourth interrogation scene planned, in which Reitan sang a song describing what happened to his unit; possibly due to time constraints it was reworked into the latter half of Breen's episode.
  • In writing the Gem sequence, @GenMarshall never actually asked what any of Reitan's rambling meant: the climax completely ignores the dangers built up in his scenes, and Breen deciphering the messaging.
  • Reitan cameos in Part II during choxorn's meeting with Kuraki Tojikawa, seen through a magic HIGHLY ADVANCED pocket mirror.