Rei Easthope

Panthra Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name: Panthra Jade Felenis.

Race: Panthron

Year of birth: 1976

Hieght: 5ft 9

Weight: 148lbs

Hair: Auburn.

Eyes: Amber

Appearance: Tall, slim and slightly muscular. Various scars are across the body. Metre long tail.

Personality: Tempramental and unpedictable to say the least. She can be perfectly calm and welcoming one minute, then wild and uncontrolable the next.

Background: Although she was not aware, Panthra was born into the royal family of Panthrons. However, shortly after her birth, she was taken away by thieves under the belief that she was ‘the chosen one’. She was then abandoned and raised by wolves. She lived on her own as a surprisingly powerful and fearsome rogue, till the thieves took her back and put her through years of training, during which time, she fell in love twice. At the age of 15, she escaped the grasp of the guild, and destroyed them all. She later joined a group of renegades, one amongst them was her brother, who brought her back to her dying mother. Panthra became the queen, and was aware of an approaching war. As a result, she came across the kidnapped Vulspine and took him in. She later met Merlok, a dragonelf, who was to become her mate. She then fought in the ‘Great Phoenix War’.

Current day: Once a violent killer, Panthra has now become calmer, though she is still one of the greatest warriors on the plane. She is now a mother, and deeply cares for her family. Nothing will separate her from her friends and family. She currently attends the Civic hall, a specialist-training academy.

Powers and Weapons: From a young age Panthra has been able to turn invisible and intangible. However, these once natural abilities are now only useable through magical incantations. She does however posses immense strength and the ability to manipulate waves of force. She also has a unique link with dragons, they are drawn to her, and feel compelled to act out her will.