Nihilina Gloomee

Ronia Lee (Dictator) Character Reference

Species: Horned-Cat
Birthday: 6/1/1400
Place of Birth: Roffino, Main Castle
Height: 5’11
Weight: 190
Orientation: Straight
Gender Identity: Female
Pronouns: She/Her

Ronia Lee has been a dictator since the 1600's, she started her dictatorship in 1612.

She also does her very best to take care of her citizens in Rodfino, Bootstring, Blandville, Wackyland, and a few others.

She also sends in silent drones to check for cults, only to observe them and not bother them, unless one is really dangerous.


Ronia once ran over a bunch of rival enemies of Blizarfog on May 3rd, 2003 with a personalized tank that's dark pink.

Ronia has a big family that lasts for 7 generations.

Ronia was a communist dictator for 10 years, then she moved into a system called Roni-tarina, a monetary system that brings all general prices to only one dollar so everyone can afford everything. Ronia Lee is now a dictator themed around loving only the planet and its nature.


Her family, her planetary citizens, 


Blizarfog's leader

Family and Friends:

Arthur Lee (Father)

Annie Lee (Mother)

Danny Frank Lee (Brother)