Blue FemSniperGriff Character Reference

Species: Griffon
Age: ???
Place of Birth:
Gender Identity: Female
Pronouns: She/Her

Class Name: Fem SniperGriffin

Name: Sahirah

Human name: Sahirah Graves

Age: ???

Gender: Female

Race: vulturegryph

Family: Alive, but she's not in any contact with them.

Single or Taken:

Friends: Her teammates?

Personality: Comes across as mean and selfish on first impression, it just takes a 'long' while for her to warm up to new people, and even when she dose, she's mostly only be interested in being your friend if you have something that could benefit her (Be it skills on and off the battle field). She wasn't always like this, Sahirah once had a friend, but now their enemies, and she never want's to feel that pain of loosing someone so important to her again, so she keeps everyone at wing length and keeps up a mean attitude the only one she doesn't do this too is the Medic's, she's not so foolish to give them any problems .

Likes: Gold, her pet scorpion Pinch

Dislikes: Spies, being in debt (Either money wise or owing someone)

Strength’s: She's The second best Sniper on Blue Team

Weakness: She is physically rather slow, and because of this, Sahirah will choose to fight than run from a situation, as theirs's no point in running/flying if your enemy is just going to catch up to you, so better go down fighting that giving them an easy shot.

Weapons: Sniper Rifle and the Prinny Machete

Pet's: Yellow Scorpion named Pinch (Based on the Alien Swarm Parasite)

Daemon : Gray Wolf- Niri ( Good fighter, gruff around the edges)


Sahirah was born in a land where Zebra's can be found.

  • Once upon a time Sahirah used to be a timid shy griffin that couldn't stand up for herself and she worked in her family business a funeral home in her village, made her get use to death pretty early on in her childhood, while she was used to it, she didn't want to stay in the family business but didn't have the nerve to say no to her parents at the time, who insisted it was the best way to get money because everyone has to bury there dead some day.

But one day After finding a map to a hidden location in one of the dead griffin's she was preparing for a funeral pocket, she took it to her friend to deiced what to do about it, dose she give it to there still living relatives or keep it for herself, said friend coach her into going on adventure and find this secret location. So under the cover of dark the two sneaked out and went on a harrowing journey against terrible beasts and hidden danger's but in this trip caused a transformation within Sahirah she was gaining courage and confidence...along with some scar's but something about the thrill of this adventure lit up something inside her she liked danger. Eventually the two made it to there destine location and found the location, but were soon disappointed to find that instead of gold or other riches to be found that it was a hidden glade that hosted strange rare critter's with unique fur and feather's of all sorts of amazing colours. So the two came home from there trip, their only souvenir (other than scars) was a set of twin rainbow feather's the two had picked up and kept in there hats.

  • When her parents started to yell at her for running off, she stood up to them and quit her job there, with that out of her way Sahirah and her friend started a business in giving tourist Safari style tours, as they had discovered they were very good at tracking the unique animals of there land that the tourist loved to gawk at. A tradition the two made for themselves was to each year visit the hidden location where the strange rainbow critter's lived.

  • One day during a slow month a Shady Minotaur businessmen offered a large some of bit's if she would capture one of those critter's the feather belong to and give it to him, at first she was hesitant but when her friend got seriously injured and put into a coma, needing expensive medical treatment to save her, Sahirah went off and captured a critter for him to pay for the surgery.

  • It was expensive keeping her friend alive on life-support while she waited for her to wake up again, so while waiting and need the bits she went and captured more critter's to sell to the Minotaur

  • When her friend woke up and was fit enough to leave, she insisted that they should visit there secret spot as they had missed there trip when she was recovering, Sahirah made excuses and that she should make the journey too soon after getting out of the Hospital, eventually as her friend was getting suspicious of her the two left and went to the hidden spot. When the two could not find any of the critter's her friend question what could have happened to them, Sahirah suggested they may have moved onto a new location, but her friend spotted the evidence of traps and obviously someone had taken the critters and that they needed to find them.

  • The two tracked down the location of where the rainbow critters had been taken

Human name: Sahirah Graves

Age: ???

Gender: Female

Daemon: Wolf- Niri

TF2/MLP (Broken Mirror) Verse I'm including it here so that is will make sense about the other 'versions' of her, even if some of that might be change later)

Notes about the character:

Sahirah Graves, known in this universe as Clone S26-B , though this will be the Universe where she decided to name herself Sahirah after Clone S26-R (That's Red Fem SniperGriff) suggested that they should give themselves their own names, as they are their own people. Sahiarh is not a clone of sniper from Team Fortress group she is a female clone of a sniper from one of the different mercenaries groups (As TF2 comic's confirmed that their are other mercenary groups that work for the administrator, though we never saw them) also I will be calling her by her Human name from here on out instead of the clone name. Sahiarh clone memories are rather blurred and confusing, but she still inherited the skills from her 'DNA donor'. At first she thought she was the only Female Clone Sniper, but when she came out onto the shooting range one day she discovered she A) Wasn't alone and B) She was the second Female Sniper to exist as Sheila had been made first and that they both had been made on the same day hence their clone number's were almost the same. Sahiarh hated being compared to Sheila, which started a 1-sided rivalry between the two which resulted in Sahiarh trying to beat Sheila score at everything, while Sheila just wanted to be friends
Blue Fem SniperGriffin/Sahirah was made as a opposite/rival to Red Fem SniperGriff. Sahirah is closed off towards other people while Sheila would like to invite other's to her secret get away camping trips. (Sahirah belongs and Poacher while Sheila becomes a Ranger) The two did eventually become 'Friends' when Sahiarh and Sheila got attacked by the Scout Freak known as Clawfection. Sheila was badly injured and was assumed dead while Sahiarh got captured by him and dragged into his den, but she would soon be recused by the injured Sheila, and the two got out of their Sahiarh driving them back to camp just in time for Sheila to be saved by their Medic. Since then the two were 'Friends' though Sahiarh would never admit it openly or try not to act like they weren't friends unless she was with other company that she was 'friendly With'

TF2/HDM Clone AU (Go's by the clone designation S26-B) Start's off similarly to that she is a female clone, though this time she isn't a 'Female' clone of her self as the 'original' was a women too from a Mercenary team, but she is the result of an odd glitch that can accrue where respawn will bring back a previous Mercenary instead of the 'Current' one. So She and her Daemon were removed quickly from the team. She was brought back to (Classified) in hopes to study Sahirah and Niri closer on 'Why' this happens and what this means, thought one of the side effects of this respawn glitch is that the person that comes back usually doesn't have many or no memories at all, though in her case she and her daemon do know who they are, they just have no memories that they ever died and are confused why they are being 'studied' and basically plans to break of of the location there trapped in. They get their chance when the 'Freaks' broke containment and during the chaos she and Niri were able to break out of there cell, only to run into the 'Freak' Clawfection and it's mutant Daemon they end up fighting and while Sahirah and her Daemon put up a good fight they ended being helped out by the Clone S26-R (That's Red Fem SniperGriff) and the two work together to seal Clawfection and it's mutant Daemon in a cell before retreating along with some other escapees.

TF2/HDM Human AU

Okay so in this Universe I did originally have a different idea for her, but that's now change along with the fact I can't find what I had originally written down for her, but that doesn't matter too much as things have changed.

So Sahirah and her Daemon Niri came from a place I imagine was going through an economic depression so things had been very tough on her family during these hard times and they could no longer pay for her younger sister medicine, and as expected her sister condition got worse, while most of the family came to 'accept' that there daughter was most likely going to die, Sahirah refused to accept this and tried to find more work 'somewhere' along with her friend Sheila and her Daemon Rosni. After much trial and error the two ended up getting jobs involved in a smuggling goods and other stuff which payed well, but was a high risk job, but the two didn't mind it was a bit 'exciting' but also meant that Sahirah sister could live.

One day, they ended up crossing paths with a rival group that resulted in Sahirah getting her scars and her Daemon form staying as a Wolf (In my idea for the TF2/HDM universe Daemon don't 'settle' when people hit puberty, that it's more on the maturity/mind set of the person, but it is excepted that most people by 20 would have there daemon's settled, so if someone's Daemon hasn't then that person maybe consider 'under-developed', immature or their's something else going on with them) Sahiarh was 16 when her Daemon settled into a wolf, but now it was too 'distinct' and recognizable and the fight had been reported and that the offertories were looking for her. So Sahirah and Niri were let go from the smuggling gang and Sheila and Rosni offer to leave with them, but Sahirah said they should stay as long as one of them was earning money they could keep her sister alive, but she and Niri had to leave before they were caught.

I haven't work out much from here but she'll be on the run for a bit and eventually get work as a Mercenary, but always sending money home to help her sister and friend.

Other Notes : She likes watching Kung-fu Movies She likes Spaghetti western movie Corrupted element of Loyalty(?) She's a loner and likes to make others afraid of her so she won't get attached to anyone..she can be more friendly if she's had a couple of drinks