Engiling Character Reference

Species: Changeling
Age: ???
Place of Birth:
Gender Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/him

Class Name: Engiling

Name: Junebug

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Race: Changeling

If Junebug and Buzz came from Chrysalis Hive, Buzz being a bit more timid would have probably followed Chrysalis out of fear, while Junebug with his 'Inner King' Changeling side would have always questioned her choices, but didn't outwardly protest, but he would of done things in the background, improving defenses, helping out 'weaker' changeling (By sharing the 'love' he'd picked up) and secretly studying pony technologies, his curiously of 'Pony tech' would only grow as he infiltrated Pony society, honestly I think he would have gotten distracted in his undercover role and found his way into work shops and other places he could learn to tinker with machines...

In the end for whatever reason Junebug would leave his Hive and Buzz would join him....

  • From the dragonfly Hive

inspired by the Engineer Cosmetics Buzz Killer, Frontier Flyboy and Legend of Bugfoot